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What are my options when the cops refuse to help?
Over the weekend the house next door had a party, I heard screaming coming from that house, then a loud bang, then screeching tires. When I went outside I noticed my car had been wrecked into. I asked the people out there if the driver was drunk. All I got from the people out there was the drivers first name and two people saying he was drunk, before they all ran off, 4 into the house, 2 in just random directions.
It's pretty easy to infer that the driver was visiting the party and someone at the house would know more information about the driver, as I didn't get a make/model/plate#.
20 minutes later a cop was patrolling the area, I flagged him down and asked him to do the police report then, and asked him if there were any recent DUIs/wrecks. He refused to help me at all, instead saying that I'll receive a phone call in about 3 days.
I've since gotten that call and answered the questions, but the cops refuse to take any action. I feel it's perfectly reasonable for me to expect that my neighbors get questioned by the cops, especially since they seemed to be in a fight with the guy, and would hopefully give up his information.
Is there anything I can do to help convince the cops to do their job?
3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years agoI have a rare collectible item, how do I know if its worth anything?
I have a bud light spuds mckenzie styrofoam beer kozy thats been sitting in a cubboard for countless years. I know that spuds mckenzie items are often worth some money, some I've seen go for over $100. As much as I've researched I have never come across this item before, so it may actually be kind of rare, especially since its made of a breakable material.
My question is, If an item is so rare that you cant find any information on it, how do you value it?
2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years agoWhen you get pulled over, what's a good way to gauge whether or not you'll be getting a ticket?
My scenario:
I was speeding 10 mph over the limit on the highway. I noticed a cop appear out of seemingly nowhere behind me, and he passed me fairly fast, so I know he was going quite a bit faster than I. As he was approaching me I coasted down to the speed limit, by the time he was 100 yards behind me I was at the limit. I took this as a warning and stayed at the limit.
After about 10 minutes of driving I saw him pulled off to the side of the road.
20 minutes after that, he fast appeared right on my ***, stayed there for around 60 seconds before he turned on his lights.
He asked me why I was in such a hurry, and said I was speeding a few minutes ago, but didn't pull me over, because he was looking for someone, then said when he saw me again, he thought I might just be his guy. He looked briefly at my proof on insurance and registration, but gave them back to me, but did take my ID to run what I assume to be a warrant check.
While he was back at his car I had a moment of self conflict, trying to weigh my probabilities of getting a ticket. on one hand he said he caught my speeding, on the other hand he didn't give me any indication that he knew how fast I was going, he also didn't take my registration or proof of insurance back with him to his car.
My question:
In a situation like this is it safe to assume that If a cop only takes your ID back with him to his car that you are not getting a ticket?
1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police9 years agoMoving iTunes library from external to internal drives?
Prior, I carried all of my music on an external HDD.
I recently got a second internal HDD, and moved all my music there.
Of course iTunes doesn't automatically know this and still tries playing the songs off the external drive.
I've tried mapping over one song to see if it automatically maps the other 66000, but no, that didnt work.
Any advice/help?
1 AnswerSoftware10 years agoPopulations and introduced diseases?
It is often taught in school and other places that the Europeans (Spaniards as the main example) brought diseases to the new world, and that these diseases (smallpox as the most common example, but also others including various STDs) did far more damage than these Europeans ever could have to the native populations.
I find it odd though, that it was such a one sided relationship, that there is never any mention of the reverse effect. One would think that two population groups in relatively perfect isolation for thousands of years would develop immunities/resistances to much different types of pathogens. Therefore once coming in contact with one another, they would have a relatively equal effect in terms of devastation on each other. But at least from what I've learned from history classes this is not the case, and it seems from what is taught in schools that only the native populations were effected by introduced diseases, and that the European settlers never experienced any ill-effects.
I've heard of Montezuma's Revenge, but that seems more of like a symptom than a disease (maybe I'm wrong). But even If Montezuma's Revenge is a disease, it's still fairly localized, and doesn't come close to the devastation that the native populations felt during the initial couple hundred years of European colonization.
So, theoretically, I assume that when two isolated populations come in contact with one another they will equally share the burden of the other's diseases. Thus, my questions are: Are there example of diseases that affected Europeans, but not so much (if at all) the Natives? If so, why would such diseases or epidemics be so little known? Is it a case of the victors writing History?
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases10 years agoPopulations and introduced diseases?
It is often taught in school and other places that the Europeans (Spaniards as the main example) brought diseases to the new world, and that these diseases (smallpox as the most common example, but also others including various STDs) did far more damage than these Europeans ever could have to the native populations.
I find it odd though, that it was such a one sided relationship, that there is never any mention of the reverse effect. One would think that two population groups in relatively perfect isolation for thousands of years would develop immunities/resistances to much different types of pathogens. Therefore once coming in contact with one another, they would have a relatively equal effect in terms of devastation on each other. But at least from what I've learned from history classes this is not the case, and it seems from what is taught in schools that only the native populations were effected by introduced diseases, and that the European settlers never experienced any ill-effects.
I've heard of Montezuma's Revenge, but that seems more of like a symptom than a disease (maybe I'm wrong). But even If Montezuma's Revenge is a disease, it's still fairly localized, and doesn't come close to the devastation that the native populations felt during the initial couple hundred years of European colonization.
So, theoretically, I assume that when two isolated populations come in contact with one another they will equally share the burden of the other's diseases. Thus, my questions are: Are there example of diseases that affected Europeans, but not so much (if at all) the Natives? If so, why would such diseases or epidemics be so little known? Is it a case of the victors writing History?
1 AnswerAnthropology10 years agodownload speed drastically reduced?
I started a 900MB download several hours ago, and was originally getting over 1MB/sec. after a 10 or 15 minutes of downloading my computer suddenly slowed to 10KB/sec.
this is the only device connected to my wireless network at the moment, and I've double checked with the wireless router to confirm this. Ive also checked with to assess what my download speed should be and its reporting 1.25 MB/sec. Ive downloaded several files today, and have had no problems till now. Can anyone help me out?
3 AnswersComputer Networking10 years agoMagic Mouse touch gestures on Mac OS X Lion?
In Snow Leopard a swipe of two fingers on a web browser would back you to the last visited page, now regardless the application you are in the same gesture swipes you to dashboard.
What is the new gesture to back up a page in a web browser?
2 AnswersSoftware10 years agoI forgot about jury duty last month?
I live in California
I got assigned Jury duty in January during my first week of winter quarter, I went to the courthouse and asked if I could be rescheduled, she helped me out, said yes, and asked when. I came prepared with the dates of my Spring break, but apparently that week was full or blacked out for some reason, so I had to search on my phone to determine the end of Spring quarter. while searching the clerk told me that several other students had come in and requested the week of June 6th because school was out, so she signed me up for that day and reassured me that if for some reason that date wouldn't work out, I could always reschedule again, so I agreed and went on with my life.
a week in advance of June 6th, I got a reminder notice, realized that the week of June 6th was finals week and by that time I was completely swamped in my school work. I went to the courthouse twice that week, but I was either getting there too early or too late, my classes and projects just happened to be held during the same hours the courthouse was open.
Finals and my Summer internship have completely occupied me this last month, and only just today I remembered that I totally skipped out on Jury duty. Now I've had Jury duty twice before, but both times its been the whole call the night before thing, and each night I get instructed to call the next night, until the end of the week, when they dismiss you.
Is there a way to find out if that happened to me again this time, without bringing attention to myself?
If by chance I was picked for jury duty sometime in that week, wouldn't I have already been contacted for skipping it by now? Since I haven't been contacted can I assume all is fine, and just not bring attention to myself?
3 AnswersCivic Participation10 years agoMy iPhone 4 has been running slow lately?
My iPhone has been running particularly slow for the past month or two. Particularly noticable is when I rearrange apps, I hold my finger on an app, and 9 seconds later the apps start to 'shake' and I can arrange them how I like. press the home button, and for 11 seconds the apps are still 'shaking' and during these 11 seconds my phone is frozen.
so, as you can see, this isn't the biggest deal in the world, but it should be 4-5 seconds of holding before I can rearrange (if I hold for 4 seconds, then release and wait the other 5 seconds the apps will begin to 'shake') and it should take at most 2 seconds to save the rearrangement after I hit the home button.
another problem I've been having lately is not being able to get 3G coverage were I was able to before. For instance today I traveled all around town and never once did my phone get 3G coverage, instead sticking to 'edge' (2G) (yes, in the settings app 'enable 3G' is set to 'ON')
I've thought the problem may be caused by having to many apps, music and video on my phone, and have since deleted many apps, songs, and videos from the phone, but the problem still remains.
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Network: AT&T (say what you will, but I don't think this is the problem, because it worked great a month or so ago, but not so much anymore, and no one else on campus is having the same problem)
Songs: 900
Videos: 118
Photos: 2,372
Apps: 137
Capacity: 29.1 GB
Available 4.8 GB
Version 4.2.1
6 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoDoes white wine stain?
I normally drink red, but tonight had a glass of white, and spilled a bit on my shirt, should I be worried, or is this nothing?
clothing I speak of is 100% cotton t-shirt.
4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agoDo those gold records actually play?
like when you see a rock star or someone hold a gold record for selling one million albums. (assuming that they actually are made of pure gold)
All I really know about record players is somehow magically grooves + vinyl + a diamond tip = music. I'm of a younger generation, so excuse my ignorance, I know obviously vinyl plays, but does gold, or any other material for that matter?
1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade agoHow do you request a new feature for Yahoo Answers?
Its happened to me more than once.
I'll answer a question, and come up with a really good answer, but then the asker wants to ask a follow up question, and updates the question with "additional details." a month or so later I come back to the question after its long closed and find these "additional details," and think to myself, "hmm, I could have answered that too."
The feature I would be requesting would be either of these two:
1. When a user updates their question with "additional details" all askers get sent a message (preferably an email, with the option to opt out of course)
2. When a user updates their question with "additional details" some sort of message appears asking that user if they would rather send the update as a message (email) to a particular user, so the answerer can get back to them in a much more timely manner.
1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade agoAre 3DS and DS games the same physical size?
I've heard that the 3DS game cartridge has a small tab on it that disallows you to put it into a DS/DSi.
Im just want to know if my current game case will work wuth 3DS games. Its the one you get from club Nintendo, holds 9 games, and holds the games in with foam, so as long as the tab on the cartridge isnt too large it should fit, im just wondering if anyone either has personal expeirence or know the demensions of the tab.
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoDo Persian cats fart alot?
I know because of their brachycephalic nature dogs such as English Bulldogs and Bull Terriers "pas gas" often, as in smellingly often....
I've never owned, or had the opportunity to meet a Persian cat, and am considering adopting one, not that this matter would make much of a difference to me (my Bull Terrier farts 10+ times a day, so its no bother to me).
does anyone have any personal experience in this matter?
this of course is in relation to the average cat, tabby for example.
4 AnswersCats1 decade agoPlay 2-player with one steam account?
I'm trying to play Civ V with my girlfriend, each of us on a separate computer, but using my single steam account. when I do this though, steam freaks out saying that I can't have my account logged into two computers at the same time. So to solve this issue, I've logged steam into offline mode on both computers (their linked via LAN anyway). when in the game, if one computer chooses host game, the other can see it, however the connection never happens.
does anyone have any insight or suggestions?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhich need for speed iPhone game should I get?
They're all on sale today, so I was thinking of getting one.
There's hot pursuit, undercover and shift.
Any suggestions?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoHow much did a 78rpm record cost 'back in the day?'?
lets say in the year 1940 just for a reference. in 1940 USD
and then if you please, the approximate current USD that would correlate to.
and then if you please, the approximate current USD that a 78 would sell for today.
this is all for just an average 78, that you (or you parent or your grandparent) would have bought.
1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade agoiPhone return policy - Specific question?
from Apple's own site
"iPhone Return Policy: If you are not fully satisfied with your iPhone purchase, you can return your undamaged iPhone within 30 days of purchase for a full refund and you will not be charged an early termination fee. The iPhone must be returned with your original receipt in its original packaging, including any accessories, manuals, and documentation."
I purchased my iPhone less that 30 days ago. there's no damage to it whatsoever, and I'm not looking for a return, I'm actually looking to exchange it, for the same model iPhone. (current phone has a few minor quirks, that really aren't a big deal, but since I have to option to fix the problem by getting a new phone, then of course I will)
I actually have two questions about the return/exchange procedure.
First, I purchased my phone from an AT&T retail store, do I have to return it to the same store (200 miles away from me), Can I take it to a local AT&T retail store, or preferably an Apple retail store?
Second, I put the receipt for the iPhone somewhere really safe, and you know how that goes, its in such a safe location I don't remember where it is. I know apple is good with keeping track of that kind of stuff, I mean a majority of the receipts are emailed and not printed, so that's all archived, and on top of that both AT&T and Apple probably know the exact second that my phone was activated. so, would not having a printed receipt cause any issues with this exchange?
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade agocan you train pandora to play only one band?
i've been at it for hours, thumbing down every song not made by a particular band, and still pandora almost exclusively plays bands other than my desired "playlist". is this a hopelss quest? or is there light at the end of the tunnel?
2 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago