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Are 3DS and DS games the same physical size?

I've heard that the 3DS game cartridge has a small tab on it that disallows you to put it into a DS/DSi.

Im just want to know if my current game case will work wuth 3DS games. Its the one you get from club Nintendo, holds 9 games, and holds the games in with foam, so as long as the tab on the cartridge isnt too large it should fit, im just wondering if anyone either has personal expeirence or know the demensions of the tab.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    The 3DS games are the same size as the DS(i) games (except for the tab which is quite small). The 3DS it self is slightly thicker than the DSi thought but not by much.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No, regrettably. The 3DS isn't basically a delicate extension to the DS like the DSi replaced into. it is extremely its very own device. And the 3DS is lots extra superior than the DS that the DS can't play any 3DS video games (that's why the cartridges don't extra healthful). inspite of the shown fact that, the 3DS is extra advantageous than able to playing previous DS video games. So unhappy to declare, you like a 3DS for video games like the recent KH and insurrection.

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