Yahoo Answers is shutting down on 4 May 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.

Points table

To encourage participation and reward great answers, Yahoo Answers has a system of points and levels. The number of points you get depends on the specific action you take. The points table below summarises the point values for different actions. While you can't use points to buy or redeem anything, they do allow everyone to recognise how active and helpful you've been. (And they give you another excuse to brag to your friends.)

Points and levels

Begin participating on Yahoo AnswersOne-off: 100
Ask a question(Changed from Dec 2019) 0
Choose a best answer for your question(Changed from Dec 2019) 6
Answer a question2
Self-deleting an answer-2
Log in to Yahoo AnswersOnce daily: 1
Have your answer selected as the best answer10
Receive a ‘thumbs-up’ rating on a best answer that you wrote (up to 50 thumbs-ups are counted)1 per ‘thumbs-up’
Receive a violation-10


Levels are another way to keep track of how active you (and others) have been. The more points you accumulate, the higher your level. Yahoo Answers recognises your level achievements with our special brand of thank you

And finally, as you attain higher levels, you'll also be able to contribute more to Yahoo Answers – you can ask, answer and rate more frequently.


*All limitations are per day

Archived content

This is an archived copy of Yahoo Answers captured and hosted by QuantCDN.