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Do those gold records actually play?

like when you see a rock star or someone hold a gold record for selling one million albums. (assuming that they actually are made of pure gold)

All I really know about record players is somehow magically grooves + vinyl + a diamond tip = music. I'm of a younger generation, so excuse my ignorance, I know obviously vinyl plays, but does gold, or any other material for that matter?

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Gold is a good conductor (be it a cd or record) i personally wouldn't play a gold record because i feel it's more for looks. Metallica re-released the ep Creeping Death on a gold record.

    And the chinese have been counterfeiting gold records for the last couple years simply by painting 45's with gold paint and selling them on ebay. A real gold record would have a good sound quality but like a picture disc its something you would want to have framed.

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