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I forgot about jury duty last month?

I live in California

I got assigned Jury duty in January during my first week of winter quarter, I went to the courthouse and asked if I could be rescheduled, she helped me out, said yes, and asked when. I came prepared with the dates of my Spring break, but apparently that week was full or blacked out for some reason, so I had to search on my phone to determine the end of Spring quarter. while searching the clerk told me that several other students had come in and requested the week of June 6th because school was out, so she signed me up for that day and reassured me that if for some reason that date wouldn't work out, I could always reschedule again, so I agreed and went on with my life.

a week in advance of June 6th, I got a reminder notice, realized that the week of June 6th was finals week and by that time I was completely swamped in my school work. I went to the courthouse twice that week, but I was either getting there too early or too late, my classes and projects just happened to be held during the same hours the courthouse was open.

Finals and my Summer internship have completely occupied me this last month, and only just today I remembered that I totally skipped out on Jury duty. Now I've had Jury duty twice before, but both times its been the whole call the night before thing, and each night I get instructed to call the next night, until the end of the week, when they dismiss you.

Is there a way to find out if that happened to me again this time, without bringing attention to myself?

If by chance I was picked for jury duty sometime in that week, wouldn't I have already been contacted for skipping it by now? Since I haven't been contacted can I assume all is fine, and just not bring attention to myself?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    don't worry about it, they will send you another one in the mail sooner or later to show up again for jurry duty.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    There may be a warrant for your arrest under the worst case scenario. Under the best case scenario, you will be rescheduled. Call first thing Monday morning.

  • 10 years ago

    do worry. they will not send any more notices. you will recieve a $2,500 for not showing up. on top of that you will have DOUBLE jury duty from now on.

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