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download speed drastically reduced?
I started a 900MB download several hours ago, and was originally getting over 1MB/sec. after a 10 or 15 minutes of downloading my computer suddenly slowed to 10KB/sec.
this is the only device connected to my wireless network at the moment, and I've double checked with the wireless router to confirm this. Ive also checked with to assess what my download speed should be and its reporting 1.25 MB/sec. Ive downloaded several files today, and have had no problems till now. Can anyone help me out?
I'm downloading the free trial of Microsoft Office in Safari. After I posted this question I decided to try downloading it in Firefox, and in just this time I've downloaded nearly 25% of the file, so hopefully this is problem solved.
Although, I'd still like to know why Safari slowed down all of the sudden, if anyone can figure that out?
3 Answers
- Anonymous10 years agoFavourite answer
The problem could originate from where the file is being downloaded from. Where your downloading the file from it could be dealing with a lot of traffic at this present point in time therefore slowing the speed at which you are able to download at,
- ricoLv 710 years ago
if your isp has noticed you are downloading a lot at once you could be flagged for pirating.
it could just be a torrent im sure and maybe its the tracker/seeder/sharers are slowing down or running out of info to send back.
- Anonymous10 years ago
it might be the network problem