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Play 2-player with one steam account?

I'm trying to play Civ V with my girlfriend, each of us on a separate computer, but using my single steam account. when I do this though, steam freaks out saying that I can't have my account logged into two computers at the same time. So to solve this issue, I've logged steam into offline mode on both computers (their linked via LAN anyway). when in the game, if one computer chooses host game, the other can see it, however the connection never happens.

does anyone have any insight or suggestions?

2 Answers

  • GIjut
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    she has to have her own acct with her own purchased games. they don't allow guests, only consoles do that

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    "Portal 2 is the first activity on the psthree to help a subset of useful factors from Steamworks, which includes vehicle-updates, downloadable content cloth, and community help.[one hundred and 5] the game helps bypass-platform play between the psthree and the homestead windows and Mac OS X variations;[106] this replaced right into a regularly taking place objective with using Steamworks on the psthree.[107] on the psthree, the Steam overlay shows the participant's acquaintances on both Steam and the psnetwork, and achievements earned in Portal 2 are rewarded for both Steam and psnetwork trophies"

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