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Do Persian cats fart alot?
I know because of their brachycephalic nature dogs such as English Bulldogs and Bull Terriers "pas gas" often, as in smellingly often....
I've never owned, or had the opportunity to meet a Persian cat, and am considering adopting one, not that this matter would make much of a difference to me (my Bull Terrier farts 10+ times a day, so its no bother to me).
does anyone have any personal experience in this matter?
this of course is in relation to the average cat, tabby for example.
4 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
Flatulence in cats and dogs is often associated with diet and eating habits. If you focus on feeding a high quality diet, you will limit flatulence. Some animals will have tolerance issues with some ingredients so if you provide a high quality diet and see a lot of flatulence after a couple months of using the diet; you may want to rule out food allergies and intolerances. Keep in mind that stability is the key; you should not be constantly changing the food that is fed or feeding table scraps.
Another item to consider is the way the animal eats. It is more likely that a brachycephalic animal has flatulence issues from the way it eats rather than having a short muzzle. If the food container is sitting on the floor and the animal is an overzealous eater that gulps down its food very fast, it is likely that the air it takes in while eating is playing a part in the flatulence you see later. Elevating the dish and providing several smaller meals could help with this. I have kept brachycephalic cats and dogs and saw no more flatulence than with those that had standard muzzles.
- Anonymous5 years ago
My cat farts if I give her anything other than her regular food. The food you are feeding her isn't the best. She's having trouble with the fillers they put in that food. Try a natural pet food instead. You'll have to go to a pet store and not Petco or Petsmart. You can find a quality pet food for a reasonable price. My co-worker was feeding his Purina that he got at Petco and couldn't believe that the natural food I suggested cost him less. Of course, he switched.