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Anonymous asked in PetsCats · 2 weeks ago

I have two 13 year old cats. I have been feeding both of them the sensitive flavored ?

cat food by purina because their stomachs get upset if they eat other type of cat food. Can you'll recommend a good cat food that won't upset their stomachs? I have been feeding them this particular brand for a while. 


I want to go to another flavor because I feel they are tired of eating this same cat food day after day. People would get tired of eating pizza every day.

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Why change a winning game? I understand that the Purina does not bother their stomachs. Is it due to economy or your cats' ability to chew this food in advanced age. If they CAN eat it ok, and price is not a factor,  I would continue the Purina "sensitive flavored" brand.

    Source(s): I love cats
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