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I have a rare collectible item, how do I know if its worth anything?

I have a bud light spuds mckenzie styrofoam beer kozy thats been sitting in a cubboard for countless years. I know that spuds mckenzie items are often worth some money, some I've seen go for over $100. As much as I've researched I have never come across this item before, so it may actually be kind of rare, especially since its made of a breakable material.

My question is, If an item is so rare that you cant find any information on it, how do you value it?

2 Answers

  • Favourite answer

    Go online and see if you can find anything SIMILAR to it and what they're going for...

    If you find a website that offers similar items, email them a picture of it to them and beg their help.

    You might even contact the manufacturer and see what their opinion is.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Values on items like that vary, depending on the mood of the buyer at the given time. You cant really put an actual value on it.

    Its probably worth $10 if you tried hard to sell it. You dont see info on it because its an item that never sells, trust me if it was worth something you would find info of past sales when you google it. Most people would throw it in the trash.

    Beer stuff aint worth all that much, so much was produced, like them kozy's, the cardboard figurines, ect ect. But there is money in vintage signs, and even more money in working neons.

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