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What are my options when the cops refuse to help?

Over the weekend the house next door had a party, I heard screaming coming from that house, then a loud bang, then screeching tires. When I went outside I noticed my car had been wrecked into. I asked the people out there if the driver was drunk. All I got from the people out there was the drivers first name and two people saying he was drunk, before they all ran off, 4 into the house, 2 in just random directions.

It's pretty easy to infer that the driver was visiting the party and someone at the house would know more information about the driver, as I didn't get a make/model/plate#.

20 minutes later a cop was patrolling the area, I flagged him down and asked him to do the police report then, and asked him if there were any recent DUIs/wrecks. He refused to help me at all, instead saying that I'll receive a phone call in about 3 days.

I've since gotten that call and answered the questions, but the cops refuse to take any action. I feel it's perfectly reasonable for me to expect that my neighbors get questioned by the cops, especially since they seemed to be in a fight with the guy, and would hopefully give up his information.

Is there anything I can do to help convince the cops to do their job?

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    You gotta take matters into your own hands I guess.

  • 9 years ago

    Its not the cops job to interview your neighbors. When you call the police station, the best that you can hope for is a police report noting that they saw a damaged car (yours) and heard you make certain statements.

    You could hire a private investigator to try to track down the miscreant or you could sue your neighbor for the damage to your car. The case is questionable, but you can question them during the discovery phase.

    It is not the cops job to serve as investigators for civil actions. All the evidence of drunk driving is hearsay, so I suspect that their sergeant determined that those officers time should be spent on something else.

    One more thought, your insurance company might send an investigator if they think that there is a chance of recovery from the driver.

  • 9 years ago

    Why did you not simply report a hit and run accident? When the police responded, you could tell them the events surrounding it. The police did not refuse to help. your asking the question you did made it seem not to be an emergency.

    Source(s): Former deputy sheriff/corporal
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