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    If you were making a "replica" helmet, what material would you use?

    Like the helmets they use in Thor with the wings; I've never made a thing you wear and have almost no idea what material to use... 

    Would natural clay work? (And can you bake natural clay...?) 

    8 Answers4 months ago
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    What is the ultimate sculpture?

    I feel like there is a huge eastern western divide with this question but what is the ultimate sculpture? Is it the David or like something in the Hagia Sophia? Is it the Statue of Liberty? What do you think the ultimate sculpture is (on earth)?

    5 Answers7 months ago
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    Help identifying this object?

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    To me it looks old enough to take the trouble to show it to a museum. Not ancient but pretty old.....

    6 Answers8 months ago
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    How do I make a bong in my ceramics class without my teacher finding out?

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    I made a mug with a face on it, the mouth was slightly open. There was a hollow tunnel from the top of the handle, down the side, through the bottom,  and to the mouth. Quite complex, but also well hidden. After the final firing everyone was congratulating me and the instructor came over. He looked at it, and said it was very imaginative and well made. I got an A on it. Another guy tried it and got glaze poured into the stem by the instructor. 

    4 Answers9 months ago
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    Whats my remedy here ?

    How can I forget the man that I love ?

    8 Answers10 months ago
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    describe what you see in this sculpture.?

    Favourite answer:

    Lazyness, low creativity and wasted tax money. 

    8 Answers11 months ago
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    Why did they abduct me?

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    You scored some really good LSD do you have any tabs left?

    4 Answers1 year ago
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    what animal skull is the coolest?

    for a clay sculpture. not a human ive made two of those

    7 Answers1 year ago
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    Does dollar tree sell clay?

    5 Answers1 year ago
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    Vintage Japanese Vase?

    My family is going through old heirlooms and we stumbled across this vase that we know nothing about. If anyone has any information they can give us to further our research it would be much appreciated! 

    7 Answers1 year ago
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    What's the difference between a sculpture and a statue?

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    A Statue is a three dimensional representation of a human, animal or in some cases an imaginary figure such a deity or mythological creature. It is usually a life-like representation but can be much larger than real life. Depending on the amount of "creative license" used by the artist, a statue can also be considered a sculpture.

    A Sculpture is a 3 dimensional creative object which can be made of almost any material and does not have to be life-like as a statue must be. A sculpture is a work of art, and it is produced by carving stone or wood or any other material for that matter. It is a piece of art executed with creativity and is not limited in subject matter - it can be anything.

    6 Answers1 year ago
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    Should burger King start carrying Beyond Life burgers, made of sand and clay?

    Favourite answer:

    Nahhh .... 

    they should start serving 

    Pepperoni & Cheese Hash Browns 

    spiked with an 8-hour dose of LSD-25. 

    Let Burger King make *your* day! 

    Have it your way.

    6 Answers2 years ago
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    I have a small statue of a head. It sat on my dry shelf for months. I Just moved it and a stream of water dripped everywhere. Evil?

    Favourite answer:

    Er, I don't know about "evil"... do you only have access to this sculpture? Someone could have put water there just to mess around and think it is funny to confuse people, or the ceiling may have some leaking problems that could have dripped down, even if you cannot see it on the ceiling. The small statue may have held water inside without you knowing? This is a very odd question. If you do not know the story behind it, it may be evil. I do believe in cursed items and satanic beings, so... maybe you should get some help with that somewhere, like a Church and scare the evil spirits away.

    5 Answers2 years ago
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    Can you give me your opinion of this sculpture?

    Favourite answer:

    Interesting, a mechanical grotesque. A little bit Steampunk

    7 Answers2 years ago
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    Can gel nail polish make a "non harden clay" hard by using the nail polish as a coating?

    m trying to think of ways to get non hardening clay(wax based clay) to harden, or at least a coating to make it hard. I started getting this idea, maybe a clear coating that gets hard can be put on top thats similar to clear(clear is a see through coating that you put on clay to make it hard and shiny when fired in the kiln). So I thought of gel nail polish; gel nail polish gets hard when put under the uv light and is pretty thick. But my problem is will it really work? My worries are first, will it stick on? Second, will it be hard enough to be considered hard? And third, will the clay melt under the uv light?......Well anyways, if you know or do the experiment please tell me the result and if you also have other ideas that will be a good coating feel free to say it~

    6 Answers2 years ago