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Lv 44,731 points

pagan grlzz

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  • How would you promote this artist?

    this question has been posted twice before by her but got no responses.

    Ok this is my friends artwork...and It has a diverse range... kind of, but there are over 300 pictures.

    Anyway shes looking for ways to get more exposure, because Ishe's still unemployed.

    How would you promote her work? Or simply, would you promote it?

    go to the galleries and browse through some of them

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Best answer by default?

    ok... this is kind of a bummer.

    My friend dani posts questions on here more than I do... but it seems like no one ever bothers to anser but me. So I keep getting best answer even though I didnt really answer the question... I mean if all she wanted was my advice she would just walk over here and ask me.

    It's got her a little bit down. She knows people arent purposely ignoring her but I would be kinda let down by it to. I regularly answer questions with anywhere from 25 to 45 answers already present... by the sheer odds it would seem like she should get more than 5 occassionally.

    How can I help my friend get more people to answer her questions?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • wonder womans ethnicity?

    Ive noticed some heated debate about this question lately ever since beyonce announced that she wanted to play wonder woman... (some of you may know my friend dani from on here... well she's been arguing up a storm over on some message boards.)

    what is your take on this?

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • what would you say about this artwork?

    hey, my friend already posted this twice and didnt get much response from it. i updated the links to working ones for her and agreed to repost.

    how would you mass advertise the owner of the following site as a prospective employee?

    or this one

    looking for recognition, and would love for google to start picking up some of my artwork in their image search.

    top points go to who ever provides most ample results.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How does someone come to these beliefs?

    My mother again! She is 57 yrs old.

    She seems to believe that there has never been an election in US history that has had race as anything to do with the campaign. I tried to explain about other black men running for president, I also explained why we had a civil war. Yet, she seems to believe that this is " the only election that will tear our country apart".

    Why do people read those crazy emails about "this man will do this and that man will turn you all into Muslin's" Does no one have a brain in this country anymore? Can no one listen to what is said and hear what is going on? Why do we have people who bury their heads in the sand and let themselves be led to the polls? Can't anyone have their own ideas and vote for the person who best expresses those same beliefs?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • why is our culture obsessed with credit?

    who ever thought it was a good idea to pay money you dont have and then ened up owing more than you spent over a never ending cycle of stupidity!!?!!? i had to go to three banks before i could open an account that didnt require a credit card for identification purposes.... cause apparently a liscense, a social security card and mail wasnt enough!!!

    i cant verify my age online without a credit card.

    I cant purchase a house without a credi card.

    i cant purchase a new car without a credit card.

    what ever happened to saving and paying for things with money that you have?

    I'm only on this right now because i've been getting flak from some folks about not having a credit card. (AND NEVER WILL!!!!)

    but it seems like without one i am a second class citizen who people dont trust. i dont understand what the problem is with refusing to owe someone. I think its dishonest and have an ethical problem with it. i wouldnt sign my life, future profits, debt over to anyone.

    but because of that i have to suffer ridicule and loss of privlages.

    so can someone just explain to me why?

    not about building credit or paying back loans etc... i want to know why the obsession with these stupid little iou cards, being more important culturally than anything else.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • does it ever seem like one of your ya! friends is just trying to mess with you?

    i have a contact on here that i talk too quite often, and today she just posted four questions that i'm pretty sure she knew would specifcally get my goat. it's like she just wants me up on my soapbox.... have any of youre friends on here ever done this type of teasing to you?

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • depression amongst tg's and ts's

    hi, I'm m2f pre transition.

    i know that depression and suicidal thoughts are prevalent amongst our community, and i understand why. not that i would attempt suicide, (too many people i care about) but i'm sure some of you out there know the feeling I'm struggling with.

    i'm talking about those times when you just hit that wall and dont have any way of moving forward, when the thought creeps in of never being able to transition due to wahtever reasons... and you have to face your fear as a part of life.

    so when you feel that, when youre just stuck in a that place and feel kind of like hope has faded into the background of everyday existence...

    what do you do to cheer up? how do you simply cope?

    I'm an artist so sometimes i try to draw myself as i wish i were and it helps... or i design t-shirts for the glbt community and i feel a little better... sometimes i just plod around the net looking at pictures of people i envy. but anytime i see a mirror or look at my own hands i still feel like just breaking down.

    i have a wonderful support network with my wife, sister and daughters... but i dont personally know anyone else like me... and i just dont know how to deal sometimes... it's difficult to face even the people i love and trust most when i feel like i'm looking out this body that isnt my own... i feel like... quasimodo... and even with all of the support... sometimes i just want to lie down and sleep the rest of my life away in a dream.

    i hope this is coherant enough that the question is apparent.

    anyway, now i turn it over to you, hoping that somewhere in here there are other tg's who either are going through or have went through these emotions at some point, and i seek your suggestions, wisdom, and insight.

    in advance, thank you.

  • what t-shirt would you want?

    i design t-shirts (examples at link below) and i'm always looking for original ideas. so... waht do you want to see on a shirt?

    not saying that i will or wont use any of the ideas, just checking to see what people will spend their money on.

  • urgent! ten points to define the word "yuma"?

    i know there is a town and at least the names of two species of animals from across the globe that contain the word yuma.

    for the word to occur in any scientific name it must have a root, usually latin... but what i am looking for is the definition of the word itself in any context of any culture worldwide.

    if someone told me i was a yuma... what would that mean?

    12 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • election options now that hillary is out?

    so we have obama... who is still up and coming in politics, seems shady and untrustworthy...

    and mccain, who at best is one step off from bush. old white guy with old white ideas...

    and then theres ron paul.... mr rogers wannabe who wants to put us all in the same freakin religion...

    every time elections roll around i feel screwed all over again by the lack of decent people who make it to this far in the race. i know that i'll never vote for anyone pro life, anti gay, pro gun control or that pushes their religion on the public...

    so basically my questions are these

    is there any hope that any of these guys will give us freedom and choice back as a people?

    does our current government have another 50 years left in it?

    and are there any self respecting people in the lgbt, non christian, or feminist communities that could give one good reason to vote for someone other than obama?

    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • tired of sympathy answers!!!?

    does it aggravate anyone else when the asker of a question isnt looking for an answer? i keep seeing these people that ask a question but dont want an answer, not really... they want someone to either agree with them or make them feel better. They arent looking for answers they just want support!

    why should we waste our time on even attempting to answer something that isnt going to have a right, wrong, or even any new information to reveal?!!!?

    "yeah me too" is not an aswer! and it shouldnt trump someone elses who has loads of fact, theory, thought, possibilies, time and actual effort wrapped up in trying to help someone out.

    i want to hear examples thoughts opinions and solutions, and is it rude or irrational of me to block these askers?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • canadian and or U.K. transgender care?

    i recently had a friend from the uk tell me that the nhc covered all procedures associated with her transition... I am currently seeking my degree in graphic arts, but after i have earned it i am desiring a relocation in order to transition. i am seeking all the inormation possible on options.

    where is the best place to move? and what can you tell me about how all of this works? I've worked and worked and saved, but no matter what i have ever done in my life, ive never made it out of poverty level.

    the mere prospect of something, anything actually making my transition possible has me almost in tears.

    please anyone who can answer seriously do it.

    i dont need sympathy, sarcasm, preaching at, or anything else of that nature, if you do you'll be blocked very promptly.

  • for art, critics, buyers, psychologists, sociologists, and philosophers?

    i tried posting this differently under different wording but was unable to aquire an apprpriate audience.

    modern artistic expression in our culture is too often taken very lightly due to commercialism and the world around us, forcing serious artists to succumb to such expectations in order to get by.

    this is part of a sociology project for my school. since my major is graphic design, i am having to discover how current artists are interpreted by society and anylyze the work of one of my peers linked here

    within this gallery is the balance between art that is personal to the artist, and art which is simply made to sell.can an artist who caters to both be taken serously?

    could you explain your interpretations and make reference to which peices say what to you?

    of particular interest to my paper are the pictures "athena and sapho" and "self perception

    ps. all these works are for sale on her site

    1 AnswerSociology1 decade ago
  • How would you interpret this artists collected works?

    what do they say about the artist as a person? and would any of these themes compell you to purchase or reccomend their work?

    I am not the artist, they are a peer of mine, i posted this question in psychology for an essay i am writing, but then they got an offer on some peices, and asked i try posting it here as well.

    2 AnswersOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago
  • how would you interpret this artists collected works?

    what do they say about the artist as a person? and would any of these themes compell you to purchase or reccomend their work?

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • can a small commune within another countries borders achieve sovereignty?

    we see religious and cult like "compounds" on the news all the time getting in trouble because some of their beliefs arent legal in their home country... but how would one achieve true freedom to practice their beliefs? or make their own laws etc? the colonists did it once, but it eventually failed.

    is it still possible or is all the world governed by the major or mainstream beliefs, religions, ethics, etc?

    ex: could a free loving hippie commune ever get away with a nude cannibus legal society?

    or how about the thing in texas right now... could they ever get away from prosecution if they had been elsewhere?

    right and wrong are ideas defined by the people within a society... so can you ever make your own?

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago