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I'm currently an Information Technology student. I have an internship doing Sarbanes-Oxley testing for various computer systems.
Are 30 seconds to mars the new nickelback?
I used to like 30 seconds to mars, but they are so overplayed now and all of their songs sound the same? Opinions?
6 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agoWill someone heart my level in LBP (heart for heart)?
PSN ID: underoath1617
Level: underoath1617lvl
I will heart your level if you heart mine!
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoHerniated Disk question?
Hi, I've had a bulging/herniated disk(not really sure since the doctor's I have seen for it seem to use them interchangeably) for 2 years now. I was originally prescribed physical therapy that didn't do much for the pain after 2 months and continued home exercise. I then went on to see a chiropractor who worked my body like it was a pretzel and actually alleviated the pain.
I'm in college, 20 years old, I know it's rather young for this back problem, but I'm 6 foot 6 and an IT major so naturally I do a lot of sitting probably with poor posture. The problem is I can't just get up and see my chiropractor due to distance and I dont want to go to one I dont trust. I've had ups and downs with pain, and have only been bedridden from it once in the last 2 years. Other than that it's really just a minor annoyance, and not nearly as bad of a pain as others seem to have.
I've done the stretches my chiropractor has given me religiously three times a week, and haven't had to take a pain killer in over a year, but the pain is still there, but not really affecting any part of my life. I just want to know if it should really take more than two years, or am I doing something to hinder the progress to a full recovery?
5 AnswersInjuries1 decade agoBitComet-Listening Port Blocked?
I've done a lot of research on this and almost all answers involve cases where a router is the problem. I am currently not using a router and BitComet says my listening port is blocked. I'm in an apartment complex and am certain that it's not the apartment's fault because my roommate is perfectly able to download torrents. It's obviously do I fix this?
2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade agoWhat's a good SQL beginner book?
I'm currently in an Intro to Database class right now. Problem is, the teacher doesn't teach anything past lecturing directly from powerpoint slides. I'm having a bit of trouble learning and really would like a grasp on SQL before I graduate. We are currently using Oracle 8 and SQL Plus.. Can anyone recommend to me a good book to learn SQL? I'm a true beginner. Thanks in advance!
5 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agoHow long after painkiller can you consume alcohol?
So I woke up today at 9 am and took an Aleve at about 9 15am. For those of you chemically educated, thats 220 mg of Naproxen sodium. I plan on going out tonight and possibly having a six pack of beer around 7 or 8 pm. That would be 10-11 hours after taking the painkiller. Good or bad?
10 AnswersMedicine1 decade agoExplicit formula?
Using iteration find the explicit formula for
t(sub k) = t(sub k-1) + 3k + 1, for all integers k >= 1
t(sub 0) = 0
Thanks for any help :)
1 AnswerMathematics1 decade agoone-to-one functions?
Prove the following assertion or give a counterexample. Given any set x and any functions f, g, and h mapping x to x, if h is one-to-one and f º h = g º h then f = g.
Please help I am having a lot of trouble...thanks!
2 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoonto functions?
If f: X --> Y and g: Y --> Z are functions and g º f is onto, must both f and g be onto? Prove or give a counterexample.
Any help is appreciated!
1 AnswerMathematics1 decade agoFunctions...bijections?
Let f(x) = (3x-1)/(2x+3).
I am able to find the domain...was unsure how to go about finding the range. and also I dont know how to find subsets X and Y of R such that f: X --> Y is a bijection.
2 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoOnto functions?
Let F: N x N --> N be defined by F(m, n) = 2(to the m - 1) * (2n - 1). Prove that F is an onto function.
Any help is appreciated I have no idea what to do.
1 AnswerMathematics1 decade agoOne-to-one functions?
Let N be the set of positive integers. Prove that G: N x N --> N given by G(m, n) = 5(to the mth power)7(to the nth power) is one-to-one.
Been looking at this for a while and have yet to come up with anything....thanks for any help!
1 AnswerMathematics1 decade agoSet
Okay there is a problem that looks like...
Let A = {for all real numbers -5 < x <= 2} and
B = {for all real numbers -1 <= x < 4}
I know how to find A intersect B and A union B...however I was wondering if someone could let me know what it means when finding "A delta B". Thanks!
2 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoSingly Linked Lists with Strings?
Okay my program works correctly however when I run it I get an output that has the name of the package and some numbers in it like this:
[ hw4b.Node@45a877 hw4b.Node@1372a1a hw4b.Node@ad3ba4 hw4b.Node@126b249 hw4b.Node@182f0db hw4b.Node@192d342 ]
I have a toString method like this:
public String toString() {
Node curNode = head;
String info;
info = "[ ";
while(curNode != null) {
info += curNode.toString() + " ";
curNode = curNode.getNext();
info += " ]";
return info;
And my test class to test the output of the Nodes is:
private void run() {
MyLinkedList aList = new MyLinkedList();
String [] names = {"Frank", "Joe", "Sue", "Emily", "George", "Hillary"};
for(int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
System.out.println("List after insertions: " + aList); }
I am not sure where the toString method comes into play or how it works to convert the nodes to strings. Please help :)
1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade agoMath Induction..?
I have no idea how to do this problem. The less than symbol being before the sequence is throwing me for a loop.
sqrt(n) < 1/sqrt(1) + 1/sqrt(2)+ ... + 1/sqrt(n), for all integers n >= 2.
Thanks for any help.
3 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoMathematical Induction?
Having trouble with this problem...I am not sure how to correctly go about mathematical induction my book does not explain it all to clearly and hope to hear a different explanation....the problem is:
Show that n(cubed) - 7n + 3 is divisible by 3 for all nonnegative integers.
4 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoGeometric Sequence?
Been looking at this problem and have no clue how to do it because of the combination of both plus and minus signs but here it is...
Simplify m(cubed) - m(to the 5th power) + m(to the 7th power) - m(to the 9th power) + m(to the 11th power) - ... - m(to the 25th power), if m is an integer.
1 AnswerMathematics1 decade agoMathematical Proof =\?
Prove that for all integers n, if 3 divides n(squared) then 3 divides n.
I attempted this problem but am not sure that it is correct. This is my solution:
If 3 divides n, then n = 3a.
n(squared) = (3a)(squared)
n(squared) = 9a(squared)
3 divides 9a(squared)
Therefore if 3 divides n(squared) then 3 divides n.
I am no good at proofs but that is the only thing i could come up with. Thanks for any help!
1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago