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Mathematical Proof =\?

Prove that for all integers n, if 3 divides n(squared) then 3 divides n.

I attempted this problem but am not sure that it is correct. This is my solution:

If 3 divides n, then n = 3a.

n(squared) = (3a)(squared)

n(squared) = 9a(squared)

3 divides 9a(squared)

Therefore if 3 divides n(squared) then 3 divides n.

I am no good at proofs but that is the only thing i could come up with. Thanks for any help!

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    You've 'kinda' got the right idea, but you went after it kinda 'backwards'. What you've proven is that, if 3|n (the | means 'divides exactly' with no remainder) then 3|n² which is kinda trivial.

    If p factors into q*r, then a|p => either a|q or a|r. Therefore, if 3|n² then 3|n or 3|n and the proof is complete.

    You really, *really* need to get after understanding proofs. They are at the absolute heart of all of mathematics.

    HTH ☺


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