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    Help with this math question?

    Determine which of the following matrix equations represents the solution to the system:

    2x + y = 2

    5x + 3y = 13.

    8 Answers2 weeks ago
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    How do you solve this math word problem? PLEASE HELP ME AND EXPLAIN STEP BY STEP!!!?

    A lumberyard charges $ 1 per cut to trim boards. Bob buys a 12-ft board and wants it out into twelve 1-ft pieces. How much will he be charged for the cutting? The correct answer is $11.

    9 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Am I right?

    Hello, I'm 14 years old, I'm currently in 8th grade and I'm practicing math so answer here if I'm right.

    X + X = 2X

    X × X = X²

    X + Y = XY

    6 Answers2 weeks ago
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    which set of values for x should be tested to determine the possible zeros of y = x^3 + 6x^2 - 10x + 35? (multiple choice)?

    Favourite answer:

    It's a cubic equation...

    so possible zeros are when

    0 = (x-a)(x-b)(x-c) 

    ==> 0 =x^3 -(a+b+c)x^2 + (ab + ac+bc)x -abc


    -a*b*c = 35

    factoring 35... one of the factors must be negative

    So, looking at absolute values

    |1| * |1| * |35|

    |1| * |5| * |7|

    so c) is not right -- 12 is not among the factors above

    d) is not right -- one of the factors must be possibly negative

    a) is out, since one of the factors must be 1 or -1

    which leaves b) as the answer


    5 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Can someone help me with this equation? Reducing to linear form using logs?

    Favourite answer:

    If you've worked it out, I think you should have posted your work and then asked for someone to review it. Otherwise it looks like you just want someone else to do the work.

    In any case, I'll do my best to help.

    Original equation:

    T = 2π√(l/g)

    Take the log of both sides:

    log(T) = log[2π√(l/g)]

    Use the product rule to turn the log of a product in a sum of logs:

    log(T) = log(2) + log(π) + log[√(l/g)]

    Looking at the third log, we know that a square root can be rewritten as raising something to the ½ power:

    log(T) = log(2) + log(π) + log[(l/g)^½]

    Using the power rule, we can bring ½ to the front:

    log(T) = log(2) + log(π) + ½ log(l/g)

    Finally, use the quotient rule to split the last log into a subtraction of logs.

    log(T) = log(2) + log(π) + ½[log(l) - log(g)]

    5 Answers2 weeks ago
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    The solution an algebraic equation.?

    Favourite answer:

    It would be useful to memorize the following:

    lim (1 + 1/x)^x = e


    let x = n/r

    (1+r/n)^(nt) = (1 + 1/x)^(xrt)

    = ((1 + 1/x)^(x))^(rt)

    lim ((1 + 1/x)^(x))^(rt) = e^(rt)



    2P = Pe^(rt)

    t = ln(2)/r

    Because ln(2) is approximately 70% (and less-frequent compounding increases t),  this leads to the "Rule of 72": for a given rate of return r%, your investment will double in approximately 70/r or 72/r years.

    4 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Could you please help me with this mathematical problem?

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    t = 1 min x 1hour/60min = 0.0166 hours

    d = 50 m  x 31 = 1550 m x km/1000m = 1.55km

    solving the trains speed

    s = d/t

    s = 1.55 km/ 0.0166 hours

    s = 93.37 km/h or 93 km/h    Answer//

    4 Answers2 weeks ago
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    what is 3/2 of 4?

    11 Answers3 weeks ago
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    Math questions ?

    Favourite answer:

    Are all the question weighted equally? Are all the questions equally difficult?

    75 minutes * 60 seconds = 4500 seconds

    If you divide that total time by 128 questions, you get the average per question.

    4500 / 128 ≈ 35 seconds / question

    4 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Finding Derivative of a Point?

    Favourite answer:

    g(x) = 4x² - 2x + 15 ← this is a function

    g(5) = 100 - 10 + 15 = 105 → the representative curve of the function passes through (5 ; 105)

    g'(x) = 8x - 2 ← this is its derivative

    g'(5) = 40 - 2 = 38 ← this is in fact the slope of the tangent line to the curve at point (5 ; 105)

    g(x) = 4x² - 2x + 15 ← this is the function → to calculate the derivative:

    Lim [g(x₀ + h) - g(x₀)] / h

    h → 0

    Lim [ { 4.(x₀ + h)² - 2.(x₀ + h) + 15 } - { 4x₀² - 2x₀ + 15 } ] / h

    h → 0

    Lim [ { 4.(x₀² + 2x₀.h + h²) - 2x₀ - 2h + 15 } - 4x₀² + 2x₀ - 15 ] / h

    h → 0

    Lim [4x₀² + 8x₀.h + 4h² - 2x₀ - 2h + 15 - 4x₀² + 2x₀ - 15] / h

    h → 0

    Lim [8x₀.h + 4h² - 2h] / h

    h → 0

    Lim h.[8x₀ + 4h - 2] / h

    h → 0

    Lim (8x₀ + 4h - 2) = 8x₀ - 2

    h → 0

    g'(x₀) = 8x - 2

    g'(5) = 40 - 2 = 38 ← this is the same result (above)

    4 Answers3 weeks ago
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    Solve the system: y=14x2+2x−6 y=−14x2−3x+6?

    The parabolas above intersect in two places, at (a , b) and (c , d), where a, b, c, and d are all integers. a + b + c + d =

    7 Answers3 weeks ago
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    How far is a 5k?

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    3 ounces short of 1 cup.

    17 Answers3 weeks ago
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    find the sum of (7t + 6 ) + (-4t -2)?

    Favourite answer:

    Remove the brackets 


    7t + 6 +-4t +-2 

    Remember +/- becomes minus (-) 

    7t + 6 - 4t - 2 

    3t + 4 


    Remember for +/-  double signs . 

    + + = + 

    + - = - 

    - + = - 

    - - = +

    If no sign is given read it as plus(+). 

    6 Answers3 weeks ago
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