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Are 30 seconds to mars the new nickelback?
I used to like 30 seconds to mars, but they are so overplayed now and all of their songs sound the same? Opinions?
6 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
Nickleback is awful... SO DON'T RUIN 30 SECONDS TO MARS!!
- 1 decade ago
IMO 30 Seconds to Mars is a much more better band than Nickelback. Nickelback is the most generic and lackluster band there is. 30 Seconds to Mars actually has originality, and puts more thoughts into their songs.
- SomeoneLv 51 decade ago
Nickelback are overplayed?? I take it you don't live in the UK then! All that's played over here is hip hop :/
I like Nickelback.
Don't judge me.
And no 30 Seconds To Mars don't sound very much like Nickelback to me, but maybe that's because I've only heard one of their songs.
- ♥Lv 51 decade ago
i think both bands have lots of songs that are really similar. not that they sound alike (i don't think 30 or nickel sound like each other), but that their own songs are kind of hard to distinguish sometimes.
that said, i don't think 30 is the new nickelback because nickelback has had commercial success but 30 hasn't. i think they're slowly growing (they had a song in a sunkist ad and that owl movie trailer, for example) but even right now, people don't really know who 30 is. it seems they've had more international success (not that great, still) than national.