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one-to-one functions?

Prove the following assertion or give a counterexample. Given any set x and any functions f, g, and h mapping x to x, if h is one-to-one and f º h = g º h then f = g.

Please help I am having a lot of trouble...thanks!

2 Answers

  • iluxa
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer


    Idea is this: since h may no be onto, there's no telling how f and g will behave for values which h does not produce.

    Counter-example: take

    x = real numbers,

    h(x) = e^x

    f(x) = x

    g(x) = |x|

    f º h = f(h(x)) = f(e^x) = e^x

    g º h = g(h(x)) = g(e^x) = |e^x| = (since e^x > 0 for any x) e^x

    yet f is not equal to g.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well since the question says "prove" that is true it can't be false. If the statement were false it would have said prove or disprove.

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