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How many of you with have nothing to do with Yahoo when they shut down Yahoo Answers?
i will be one for sure, that is all i used Yahoo for.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 weeks agoWhat does this email mean?
Just got an email called: Yahoo! Administrative Notice
part of the content read:
It has come to our attention that you may have violated the TOS on Yahoo! Answers. Please reread the TOS and cease any use of your account that may violate the TOS.If your use of your Yahoo! account is brought to our attention again, and we believe that such use violates the TOS, then we may terminate your account without further notice.
Well it looks like i may be getting banned shortly. And i have no clue as to what i did that violates anything at all. They say "i MAY HAVE violated the TOS" But then do not give me the evidence where i have done this thing, so i can stop doing that thing.
This is generally what happens to me. been on here for YEARS doing the same thing, nothing differently. And because someone does not LIKE what i say, i get a vague notice like this one, then shortly after get banned.
So i can see it coming. Love All of you.
OH the question, so that does not get me banned by not asking a question.
What do you think this email means?
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 months agoWhich Baptism Saves us?
Scriptures plainly and clearly teaches many different Baptisms
1) by Water
2) by the Holy Ghost
3) by Fire
4) for the dead.
Which one is the ONLY ONE that can SAVE us?
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 months agoCould God who created the entire Universe fertilize an egg cell?
If God created the entire universe and all that it contains, and God can turn water into wine. Create thousands of Fish out of thin air, and thousands of bread, Then should He not be able to create a solitary sperm cell to fertilize the egg of Mary?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 months agoWhy isn't the Rapture happening now? What is my answer to this question?
Because Scriptures MUST be fulfilled FIRST.
Is God a Liar? Therefore if Scriptures plainly teach that antichrist must be revealed First, then the antichrist must be revealed FIRST. If Scriptures teaches that the 3rd Temple will be rebuilt, then that Temple must be built first.
if you desire to see the Timeline of things that MUST take place first, you can find it by clicking below:
Apparently the poster who asked this question blocked me, so i am answering it here.
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 months agoWhy do Nicolaitan Christians continue to disobey the Word of God and think everything is fine with their souls?
They disobey:
Rom_16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
Which Plainly and Clearly teaches to avoid such people as Atheists, yet these Goat Christians keep on engaging them into conversations, keeping them coming back to this Religion and Spiritual Forum, to bash, belittle, put down, debate, mock, and what have you.
Why do these Typical Christians keep on disobey the Word of God?
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 months ago