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15 Answers
- ?Lv 72 years agoFavourite answer
If you truly want to know how life started out on this planet go get a Bible and read Genesis Chapters 1&2 it tells you how God made Man and women the animals the stars the sun and the moon all in six days and rested on the seventh day. Thanks for the question.
- ?Lv 72 years ago
We don't know.
I find the theory of panspermia to be very persuasive
and IF that were an accurate theory
then life on this planet might have started out with one or more than one living cell.
- TheoLv 42 years ago
You know I have always been a firm believer in the old saying that there is no such thing as a stupid question. I stand corrected.
- EddieJLv 72 years ago
I'm not saying that life started when lightning struck a pool of primordial soup. But if it was *something* like that, more than one cell might have started because the chemicals and energy were all there.
However, it's assumed that only one of them had all the right stuff to survive and maybe eat the other ones.
- tentofieldLv 72 years ago
No. Life did not start as a cell, cells came later once life appeared and evolution started. Life began as a replicator, a crystalline structure that could copy itself. Once a replicator appeared, evolution, change over time, kicked in and the replicator began to change. Even today there are crystalline replicators such as prions - the organism that causes mad cow disease - and viruses. These are much smaller and simpler than cells.
- Campbell HaydenLv 72 years ago
I doubt it, but science giving itself a single-cell starting point
and then building on it from there, isn't an empty effort.
For now though, the answer has to be that we simply do not know.
- 2 years ago
Yes, however that single original cell was in existence long BEFORE Earth began. It then further developed according to the laws of physics pertaining to this particular planet.