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Why does Typical Christians say it is not possible to cease from sinning, What sin do you do that you can't possibly cease from?
14 Answers
- 2 years agoFavourite answer
On your own it is impossible. With God all things are possible.
- Anonymous7 months ago
maybe you should **** god.
- Kazoo MLv 72 years ago
Generally, when we overcome one sin it is replaced with another.
Temptation throughout life is a struggle, evil is all around us.
Remember, the fallen angels were casted to earth well before mankind arrived.
The demonic realm had ample time to prepare for our arrival.
- ?Lv 72 years ago
A Christian can turn away from any particular kind of sin. But there are always temptations all around us, and no human being can remain totally free of sin. Human beings are not perfect.
- 🤔 JayLv 72 years ago
Without sin there would be no Clergy....
With some Christians anything pleasurable is considered a sin.
Pleasure reminds them to feel guilty, unworthy and ashamed.
The addiction to religion is worth ceasing....
That's one addiction that is treatable.
- RayalLv 72 years ago
I read the stupid questions on YA R+S and respond. Sometimes with a degree of snark.
- Anonymous2 years ago
- Anonymous2 years ago
Any naughty thought is a sin. No one can go an entire day without having a nasty or naughty thought.
- ?Lv 72 years ago
They don't.
The typical Christian is completely and utterly incapable of admitting that they can do or have ever done anything wrong.
Just conduct this experiment. Point out something wrong that a Christian did, and watch the responses:
1) That person wasn't really a Christian
2) That thing wasn't really wrong
3) Oh, look over there as I change the subject
Never will they say "yeah, that was a wrong thing that that Christian did".
- Anonymous2 years ago
Again, where the hell are you getting this from?