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Could God who created the entire Universe fertilize an egg cell?
If God created the entire universe and all that it contains, and God can turn water into wine. Create thousands of Fish out of thin air, and thousands of bread, Then should He not be able to create a solitary sperm cell to fertilize the egg of Mary?
9 Answers
- 6 months agoFavourite answer
God used the lifeforce of his only begotten Son in heaven by transferring his lifeforce into Mary's womb to fertilize one of her eggs so that his Son could be born a perfect human male, Jesus, who would become the Christ.
- ?Lv 76 months ago
That's exactly what happened here: Luke 1:35 ... The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee.
- Anonymous6 months ago
Why? He can’t even restore a severed finger.
- Anonymous6 months ago
Luke 1:37 KJV — For with God nothing shall be impossible.
- ?Lv 76 months ago
All of the things you mentioned are lies. Note: the word for "universe" is not mentioned in the Bible. The words are "heaven and earth." That is earth with a small "e," meaning rocks and dirt. The primitive Hebrews didn't know there was a universe or planets.