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If a person does not believe in God, Do they have any other choice than to believe in Evolution?
25 Answers
- ?Lv 62 years agoFavourite answer
SOME people say they believe only what they can see. We reply most emphatically: Believe it! Yes, believe what you can see! The apostle Paul said the visible creation shows God’s power: “For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are understood by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship.” (Rom. 1:20, NW) Most people do believe that the things they see are proof of God’s existence. A Gallup Poll survey showed that even in presumably “materialistic” America 96 percent of the people interviewed said they believe in God. They have looked at the order and majesty of the world around them, at the existence of man and at the Bible itself and have seen convincing arguments that God does exist.
One writer put it this way: “If we start with an open mind, ready to believe or not believe according to the evidence, it is quite probable that we shall discover that it is easier to believe in God than to decide that plants, animals and man himself, body and mind, had their origin as the product of blind, purposeless chance. It is perhaps fitting to add that many persons do not wish to believe in God. They realize that it would rebuke their past and change their future to an unpleasant degree if they did.”
Source(s): Why Believe in God Is that belief logical? What are the evidences for it? Why should you accept the Bible as being God’s Word? - BortLv 72 years ago
Yes. There are as many beliefs in other possibilities as there are religions. I'll list some beliefs as examples:
- The Alien Theory -
There are several versions of this theory/belief. The basis of it is that we are not native to this planet. We came here or were placed here by other beings not from this planet who are not like us (not human). To my knowledge most people that believe in this theory of human existance does not believe in The Bible. It is an alternative belief as to how we were created; Through DNA manipulation designed to survive in this planet's environment.
The documentary series titled "Ancient Aliens" have several episodes that include a lot about some of the ideas about humans not being native to earth. If you have a Hulu account you can find some of the episodes there and on the History channel's website.
- The Supreme Being -
Some people believe there is a God but not in the God the Bible talks about. They believe there is some sort of supreme being similar. Some people who support this theory as a belief don't believe in the Bible's God and don't necessarrily believe the God being they believe in has super-natural powers like the Bible story describes it's God has such as the ability to create life. Most people that have this belief believe this supreme being entity is a sort of guardian angel that knows all, sees all, and watches over us. Again similar to the Bible's God, but not the Bible's God.
- The Big Bang (Theory) -
Not the TV show. Similar but not exactly like an evolutionary theory/belief this is a theory I'd be surprised if nobody interested in the subject of religions never heard about. It's an alternative to the Bible theory some people believe in that suggests the planets and the sun our planet is grouped with was only one large structure billions of years ago that either became unstable and exploded or was struck by another structure in space and exploded or came to close to the sun and exploded (there was a bang!) creating what exists now as the energy and forces from the kaboom settled into place and formed into planets etc.
I guess people can argue The Big Bang Theory and Theory of Evolution is the same, but others argue they are different enough to be separate.
I'm sure there are more alternative beliefs to the Bible Story's God. Those are spme I can think of at the moment. Some people don't believe in any religion, spirits, super-natural powers, or an after-life exists at all. They just believe we're here (and don't care how), we live, we die, the end.
We are free to believe what we believe. We don't have to believe anything at all if that's what we choose.
- Mr. BluelightLv 72 years ago
Evolution is not connected to atheism.
There are atheists that do not believe in evolution.
There are Christians (and other theists) that do believe in evolution.
- QuestionerLv 72 years ago
Yes, there is also "Directed Panspermia" (life was seeded on earth by aliens).
On top of that, there are different types of evolution like "Punctuated Equilibrium," "Phyletic Gradualism," and "Quantum Evolution."
Swedish biologist Dr. Soren Lovtrup (who is not a creationist; he has his own theory) made an interesting statement: “I suppose that nobody will deny that it is a great misfortune if an entire branch of science becomes addicted to a false theory. But this is what has happened in biology...I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in the history of science. When this happens, many people will pose the question: How did this ever happen?” (Darwinism: The Refutation of a Myth).
- Anonymous2 years ago
Evolution is a fact, it doesn't matter who believes in it or not.
- Pirate AM™Lv 72 years ago
Evolution, like the rest of science is not a belief, at least not if you understand it and how it is done. Granted, there may be a small amount of belief in more advanced findings but that is based on understanding more fundamental building blocks and realizing that the advanced concepts are consistent with what you've learned. For example, I may not be able to do the chemical analysis to determine the chemical make up of caffeine, but I understand ionic and covalent bounds, how we determine what elements are in substances etc, and so I can accept the chemical structure of caffeine without much skepticism
However, if you don't understand the evidence across multiple fields of study for evolution, you can believe whatever you want, it just means that you are just as ignorant or lazy as the religious folk that reject it or add their god into it, just because of their beliefs.
the problem is the word "belief", as it can apply to a range of similar but very different things, just as "faith" has a spectrum of meanings. For example, I can say that I "believe" or "have faith" that the sun will rise tomorrow - but this is based on a solid understanding of the earth's rotation and the miniscule likelihood that something might happen to stop it from rotating. This is quite different than believing in some god or that prayer will restore an amputated limb.
We "believe" scientific theories, because they are built on consistently demonstrated principles and objectively verifiable evidence as well as the fact that science is designed to be and seeks to be self correcting. Granted, like religion, you can just believe in scientific theories because that's what you learned in school and didn't take the time to understand why, but in that case, your belief is no different than believing in religious teachings.
Specifically to your question and disregarding the problem with "belief", just because you don't believe in God, doesn't mean that you don't believe in some other god or gods or have a belief in some type of supernatural causes. If you don't understand the science and evidence, you certainly can believe in any cause for the diversification of species that you want, but that will just be a belief or opinion and not based on the evidence.
- CrustyCurmudgeonLv 72 years ago
If one does not, or can not believe in any god, they are called atheist. Those who believe in a god are called theists. There's a popular third choice for those who cannot make up their minds called agnostic. The word really means "I don't know".
People who do not believe in your god can believe in, or worship other deities. Some even worship Satan.
Evolution is a scientific premise, now settled science based on evidence that organisms change to better survive. Generally the process is based in genetic mutation that modifies a characteristic of the organism. If that mutation helps survival and procreation, then those with that mutation eventually dominate the species. It's kind of simplistic, but I like to point out that if there were no evolution, we could take one flu shot and be immune for life.
- Anonymous2 years ago
If there is no ultimate truth then anything goes.
Your opinion would be just as valid as the next guy’s. So knock yourself out. Make up something... like you used to be a Ninja Turtle.
Who could argue with you?
But if love the truth then you’ll be drawn to truth incarnate and you won’t waste your time on worthless theories.
- bender_xr217Lv 72 years ago
Atheism is only about a lack of belief in a deity.
Atheism isn't trying to explain how life came to be or how it turned out.
The choice is to follow the evidence or not to follow it... the same choice a Theist has.
- Anonymous2 years ago
Believe it or not, there were atheists even before there was a well understood theory of evolution. Look up David Hume.