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1Co_15:34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame. Meaning anyone?
4 Answers
- BreakthroughLv 72 years agoFavourite answer
I think Paul is saying that since you know the bible you have a responsibility to take advantage of that conscience He has engraved in you and act in a way that appreciates your advantage over others
- Anonymous2 years ago
"Shame" in those days meant buttsex, so Paul is threatening to sodomize the people of the Corinthian church, I guess.
- DiscipleDaveLv 62 years ago
Should we then obey and do those things that are Righteous and not obey those things that are sinful?
- Anonymous2 years ago
Ir's a warning to the Christians of Corinth who are beginning to reject God and Jesus. It means, "Listen people of Corinth, smarten up. Some of you are having doubts about God and Jesus. That is a sin. You should be ashamed of yourselves.".