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  • Questions to ask for Psychiatrist?

    Hi, I am currently in University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and I'd seen the Psychologist. This is the first step to see the Psychiatrist. She said that she would book me to Psychiatrist for May 3rd and it's just few days away. She said it's ADHD as i was a child, i was diagnosed it as well.

    My question is now, what question(s) should i ask about ADHD and medication just in case? Few more days and i can't think of the question.


    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • I never had Measles before but..?

    I never had Measles before but i was vaccinated with 3 dose of MMR. Will this help? I have low immune system. Thanks

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • t-mobile plan question?

    Hi, I have a plan with t-mobile $30/month. How do you get that plan again for next month? I don't like to change to another plan. Thanks

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Petroleum Jelly for Chapped Skin?

    Hi, I like to ask if i can use Petroleum Jelly on my Chapped Skin? It's very cold here in Massachusetts(New England). My Skin is very chappy at this time. If not, Any suggestions? Thank you

    5 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Frostbitten cure and questions?

    Hi, i am wondering. i think my thumb was frostbitten. I am here in Massachusetts. I walk so long that my thumb was affected. Is it suppose to be red and the one with fingerprint was swelling and twice bigger than my other finger. How can i cure it and how do you know if it's mild, moderate or severe? Thank you so much

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Facebook shutdown this 2011?

    Will the Facebook shutdown this March 15? Is this true? People will get furious about this. Is isn't right. What do you guys think?

    10 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Why dogs do these things?

    first question, My neighbor's dog is urinating on our doorstep. We have female puppy Japanese Spitz and they used to play. Now, i can see is that why does my Neighbor's dog urinate on our doorstep every time? Are they in love? It never happened before.

    Last question, my does my other neighbor's puppy whines when he sees my Puppy is on their doorstep?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Puppies and Squeaky toy question?

    I have 5 month Old female Japanese Spitz (Turning 6 months) and i am wondering why is it that whenever you make the Squeaky toy squeak, my Pup will jump then bark. I just like to let her play. She seems like she is jumping and want to attack the toy. I just tried it out and i was shock that she will run anywhere when you let the squeaky toy squeak and then go back to the toy with Jumping and Barking. Is this fear? My first dog is not like this. Just curious. Thanks

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is this shot really normal or just me?

    I just had my TDAP shots and it wasn't painful at first. Now, my arm is painful, no energy, and i can't raise my arm. Seems like it went like that. Even i am using my laptop, i can't press the keyboard because i feel numb and no energy. Is this normal to TDAP vaccine? I don't have problem with other vaccines. I am an adult. Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Why is my Puppy like this?

    My puppy is a five month old Japanese Spitz. People are saying that she is mix because the brown color on the Fur is getting darker.

    I went to the Vet with my pup and when i was buying her clothes from the Vet, she bit the vet but the vet was unharmed then after few minutes, she showed her face with anger(The muzzles) and tried to bit all the vet. Why is it like this?

    I was walking with her and when she sees she dislike those people, she will start barking madly even that person is far. I don 't know what's wrong.

    Why is my puppy like this? I am thinking aggression and fear. She puts her tail down when we are outside sometimes.

    PS: I owned pure bred Japanese Spitz for 13 years and never experience like this. Owned Rottweilers for 4 years and never have this kind of weird feeling.

    Thank you so much

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • respiratory problem questions?

    Hi, I am planning to do the Sputum test in my house and i don't know what to do to produce a phlegm. I need to put the phlegm in the bottle from the lab so that they can test it. No phlegm is coming out and i need it ASAP

    What are the foods or drinks to produce Phlegm. I am still coughing due to itchy throat

    PS: This is for Sputum TB test for UMass Dartmouth admission.

    Thank you so much

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • Pre-Veterinary and Pre-med questions?

    Hi, I am wondering if you take pre-med and pre-vet, what are the jobs you can get after graduation. I am not planning to attend graduate school. will US Army accept you if you have pre-vet or Pre-med degree? I am planning to do something like Healthcare. I want Nursing but the Universities are telling me that it's too competitive that i might not be accepted for Nursing but might be accepted for pre-vet and pre-med. I like to join US Army healthcare that you can only study for 4 years. Thanks

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Puppy on heat question?

    Hi, I am wondering how long does a pup will be on heat? Until how many weeks? I am worried. She might be on heat next week or two. I like to know How many weeks will it finish. Thanks

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • CGPA and GPA differences?

    Hi, I like to know what are the differences of Cumulative GPA and GPA? I am going to apply for Eastern Washington University.

    My Cumulative GPA is 1.5 but my GPA is 2.26. Any difference?

    Thank you

  • Is facebook down now?

    Hi, I like to know if Facebook is down right now. I am planning to play cafe life but it said under maintenance. The whole FB is not working. Anyone? Thanks

    5 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • sleeping pills to commit suicide?

    What's the best sleeping pills to commit suicide? I want to do it as soon as possible and i need it. i tried 12 pieces of Analgesic pills 2 years ago but i just vomit and survived. I need to end my life. Please help me. I just want to die in Bed. Thank you

    9 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • transfer from Master's degree?

    Hi, I like to know if i can transfer from Master's degree to undergraduate? Well, my agency wants to put me in Master's degree then i can transfer to undergraduate for nursing. I am planning to apply nursing and i have my undergraduate degree three years ago with business degree. Is this possible? My agency told me that i can study one year of graduate degree in health science then after a year, transfer to undergraduate in Nursing.

  • Are these dogs picky eaters?

    I like to buy Alaskan Malamute and Husky. Are they picky eaters? Do they bite intruders? Thank you

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Puppy teething problem?

    Hi, I got a huge problem with my pup. She is turning four month old pup Japanese Spitz and she loves to bite our hands and feet and everything except for her toys. I tried everything. She loves real bones but what else should i give her? All pups and dogs are afraid of her because she bites and snaps at us. Any advise? Ice Cube? Wet the toy then put it in the freezer? Thanks

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • B.A Military Science question?

    Hi, My cousin is planning to enroll in BA Military Science in Eastern Washington University. He is applying to be admitted for Psychology then transfer to BA Military Science. He had bachelor's degree already before and he is an international student. Is this possible?

    1 AnswerMilitary1 decade ago