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I try to put myself into the person's shoes when I answer their question, so don't make fun of me or rate me down when I give an answer that you don't like. That's my opinion and I'm going to stand by it until I think otherwise. And I try to be as descriptive as possible. I also have a chihuahua that I love to death and love to use perfume that smells fresh and isn't from discount stores (those are cheap and isn't good quality) and I can't live without fruit. Especially apples and strawberries and blueberries.

  • What was your college major and what do you do now?

    I'm in college, and I'm 95% sure of what I want to do; the only problem is that there's a lot of competition and I'm going to be delayed a year. I'm kind of sad I won't be in and out in 4 years so I just wanted to see how other people's college experiences are and what paths you all took!

  • uc irvine undeclared or csu long beach prenursing?

    i got accepted into csulb for prenursing/undeclared as my major and uci for undeclared. csulb doesn't guarantee you a spot in nursing school after 2 years of prereq's so that's why it's prenursing/ UNDECLARED and it has limited spaces for nursing school. but uci does guarantee their prenursing majors a spot. even though i didn't get accepted into prenursing at uci, should i just go there and try to get into prenursing? it wouldn't be changing a major because i'd be declaring one right? so wouldn't it be easier? what do you think i should do?

  • 4 way stop driving help please!?

    when i'm at a 4 way stop and i'm letting another person have their right of way, how do i know when it's my turn to go? is it after they've passed the intersection and the opposite white line, or is it when they are in the middle of the intersection that i can start moving to whereever i want to go?

    because the drivers manual doesn't specify and in real life, people don't wait until the other person has completely passed his opposite white line.

    help please!

    1 AnswerSafety10 years ago
  • i need help turning right on red?

    i live in california. this is what confuses me. how do you know you have enough time to make that right turn? for example, if you want to turn right and you're waiting for the cars directly across from you to turn their left, that's ok. but sometimes, a lot of cars want to turn left so they won't stop until their light turns red. after that light turns red, who goes next? i don't know that's what confuses me and i don't know if i have enough time to turn right.

    can you guys just tell me how to turn right on red and where to look, please?

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation10 years ago
  • im taking my drivers test soon?

    im going to get my driving test either this week or next week. Can someone tell me what to look out for, remember to do, etc. Any advice is appreciated. Im soo nervous! it's my first time! Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • what do you have to do during the driving test?

    what did you have to do? parallel park? freeway? etc.

    thanks. i'm taking it in a couple of weeks and i want to practice.

    also if you have any tips that would be great.

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • any book recommendations for teens?

    i'm really interested in the old days like tudor times with henry the 8th and all the british royalty drama. some books that i might be interested in are the other boleyn girl and a walk to remember. basically girly books. what recommendations do you have?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • At what age did you start cooking for yourself?

    I'm 16 and my family is overbearing! I have 2 sisters who are very close to my age. We do odd chores around the house (wash dishes, sweep, fold clothes, etc.) My family came from Vietnam and things are different there as they are here. They have to do things at a much younger age, because that's the custom (get married, have children, get out of the parents' house). My mother cooks for us and we do the chores. That's the arrangement and I think that's pretty traditional according to American customs, but my extended family doesn't think so. They told us today when we went out for our dinner that why does your mother have to cook for you? You're almost to marrying age. Can't you do it yourself? I didn't say a word because I learned that there's no use arguing because it will not go through their head. I can cook. It's just that my mother doesn't teach. She expects us to look and learn right away. And if we don't get it, she's like how dumb are you? That's pretty traditional in Vietnam.

    What do you think?

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Do I have to take Driver's Ed to get my permit?

    I live in California and I don't know if I have to take Driver's Ed to get the permit. My parents got theirs by just reading the Manual and then taking the test. But all my friends took the long route and went to an online course then behind the wheel training.

    So what are the steps to getting a permit and do you need to take drivers ed. Thanks.

    6 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Any suggestions for face masks, cleansers, moisturizers?

    I'm running out and I want to see what people are using and if it's good or not. Tell me about the bad ones too. I don't want to waste my money. Please don't recommend 3 step systems like acnefree or proactive because those don't work for me.

    Thank you.

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • What is better for college: Honors English or Regular English?

    I've been in honors english for all my years in school, but this year, it seems harder because I switched schools and the standards are way higher.

    Should I switch to regular english and get an A or stay in Honors and get a grade average of C?

    Which is better for college because do they look at your grades more or the classes you take?

    3 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • Trigonometry Help Please! I've been trying to work it out for hours!?

    verify the identities

    sinx + cosx = sinx / 1- cotx + cosx / 1- tanx


    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • What should we have done?

    So a couple days ago, my family and I went to the beach. We paid the fee to park and when we went into the parking lot, there weren't anymore spaces open, so after a couple rounds around the lot, we decided to wait on the side and ask the closest family if they were leaving. Since there were families all around hanging out in the lot and we didn't know if they were getting ready to leave or not. So I asked. And one of the daughters said Yes. So I just smiled and said ok thanks. Then the mom went up to me and my mom and snapped, "In a minute!". We weren't trying to rush them or anything so we just left. I was mad that the mom snapped at us. And I think she sensed something so she took extra long to go. She took like 20 minutes and we were forced to wait because there weren't any more spots.

    Was this rude of her? And what should we do the next time this happens?

    8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What are some environmentally safe things we can do with shampoo bottles?

    I feel bad because I keep throwing them away and filling up the landfills. Help please.

    8 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • What shampoo/conditioner should I use?

    I have dark, longish, thinnish, and straight hair. So far, I've used Herbal Essences, Tresemme, Sun Silk, and other stuff I forgot.

    Any tips and suggestions? Thanks!

    7 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • What's the best way to handle this?

    So this afternoon, I came into my class to find out my grade with this group of people. And then my other friend came in too-- just to hang out. So we were talking, and he was just being himself, but then the group of people I came in with, started to make fun of him.

    So I ignored that and tried to talk with him and change the subject. Well, after about 5 min. of that, I went to go see my grade and when I came back, he was gone.

    I think he was too uncomfortable around them, but I feel bad because I keep thinking I could have done something differently.

    So my question is: How do I make this better between my friends? And how should I act when I come back to school on Tuesday?

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Would you live in a haunted mansion?

    What if that mansion was really big and worth millions and you were being supplied with servants, money, and anything you want to live in there. Would you do it?

    By the way, the mansion is the most haunted in the world.

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • My grandma is an immigrant and she said that Biden told immigrants to go to hell.?

    Is that true? That's one of the reasons why she voted for McCain. She didn't want the risk of him being president. Anyway, I was just wondering if this is true. This happened a few decades ago.

    Besides, this is an opinion, but I think if he really thinks that all immigrants should go there or leave America, why should he still stay there? Isn't he related to an immigrant as well?

    Oh well, I was just wondering.

    9 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago