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I'm Tommy. I'm 13 years old, and like to sing. I also like video games and school. Just not the homework. I have an older brother and sister, and a mom and dad. I take algebra in 7th grade, as math is my best subject. And I'm not that great at Reading, comm arts, or science. I'm learning Italian in school right now.
"Matched Third-Party Content" Youtube Videos?
I have A LOT of "matched third-party content" videos that I have uploaded.
But I just have one question... does anything BAD happen if your videos are matched with third-party content?
Does my account get banned? I'm just really confused...
What ACTUALLY happens when my videos are matched with "Third-party content"? Does anything actually happen? Or will my YouTube channel stay the same?
2 AnswersYouTube7 years agoDeleted YouTube videos?
I was checking my Analytics in my Youtube channel, when I saw something odd.
(It's highlighted in red).
I realized those were Youtube videos. And if I were to scroll all the way down, it would say "1–25 of 57"
But that's the thing. I don't have 57 videos. I only have 36 videos. So is there any way to delete or get rid of the deleted videos, and AWAY from my Analytics?
1 AnswerYouTube7 years agoMS Paint / Image Help?
I've noticed that MS Paint is really scratchy and not really clear when you save your images.
Is there any way to copy the image (Ctrl + C) and then upload somewhere in Google Chrom / any browser online? I don't have Paint.NET or anything else, because I have restrictions. So is there any way to upload the image directly from Ctrl + C to the browser?
1 AnswerPainting8 years agoIP addresses, another question?
I'd prefer that the people that have answer my previous IP Address question answer this..
Anyways, just a quick question about IP Addresses..
So... Does EVERY electronic have its own IP Address?
For example, say there are 5 computers in my house.
They are all connected to the same network/internet.
Do they have different IP Addresses?
2 AnswersOther - Computers8 years agoWhat does an IP Address do?
I'm actually really confused by IP Addresses and how they work..
Can anyone explain, but in a kid-friendly version?
7 AnswersOther - Computers8 years agoWill this work in Fire Emblem Awakening?
I was trying to level up Lissa to be a strong War Cleric.
And I went through some other classes to get other skills.
Then, I got Relief and Renewal.
Lissa's health is 80.
30% of 80 is 24
20% of 80 is 16 = 40
30 + 20 = 50
So will Lissa heal 40 with both skills are equipped?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years agoHow many kind of cicadas are there?
I mean how many species of cicadas?
3 AnswersPhilosophy8 years agoDo Koreans cut their meat with scissors?
I went to a Korean buffet with my family, and we were supposed to cook our own meat, if we chose some. We did, and we came back. Then our waiter asked if we have ever been here before. We said no, and then he started cutting our meat and grilling it.
The only thing was, he was using scissors to cut it.
Is this tradition?
4 AnswersEthnic Cuisine8 years agoWhat do you think of my singing?
You can be rude, I like constructive criticism.
I just need your opinion on my singing.
And sorry about the scratchiness.
Does anyone know how to fix it?
1 AnswerSinging8 years agoWhat do you of my singing?
You can be rude, I like constructive criticism.
I just need your opinion on my singing.
And sorry about the scratchiness.
Does anyone know how to fix it?
1 AnswerSinging8 years agoWhat should I write about?
I was writing stories in my journal, and I just finished my last one.
But I can't think of anything else to write about.
Any suggestions?
I'm writing fictional stories.
2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years agoWhy does my voice sound lower when it's recorded on a laptop?
My friend wanted to make a mini movie on his mac, and we recorded some scenes.
But, when we were watching them, I heard my voice, and it sounded so deep!
Even though, I know my voice isn't THAT deep.
I've heard myself speak before, obviously, and it doesn't always sound like this.
Why does this happen?
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years agoWhy do married couples always take the husband's last name?
I was just thinking about it.
9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoHow do you get over stage fright?
I've always had stage fright.
For my entire life, and I've performed so many times, but I've never gotten over it!
Every time it's my time to perform, I get so nervous, and I feel like I'm about to break down.
I'm really afraid of public speaking.
So how do I get over it?
4 AnswersPerforming Arts8 years ago