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What do you think of the name Caellach?
Pronounced (KAY-LICK).
Not expecting, i'm only 13, and saw this name somewhere.
and i'm a guy..
4 Answers
- Tri-HarderLv 78 years agoFavourite answer
You're pronouncing it wrong. It's a Gaelic name, pronounced Kell-ach.
It's not my favorite name and not one we'd use, but I don't hate it.
- USS Navy Wife.Lv 58 years ago
At first glance the name looks like an prescription drug or possibly a type of infection. The pronunciation isn't very cute. Sorry :/
- 8 years ago
Sorry, it's too odd for me. I don't think a boy would thank his parents for hanging a name like this on him. You had to include the pronunciation.