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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingBaby Names · 2 weeks ago

Please rate my names and give opinions?







9 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    Michael: boring , too common 2/10

    Simon: nice that it’s uncommon but might be made fun of as it’s one of the chipmunks names 4/10

    Jason: nice and Jase is a great nickname 9/10

    Alex: it’s only ok to me 5/10

    Roman: I love it. My favorite 10/10

    Miles: better as a middle 6/10

  • 2 weeks ago

    10/10 Michael

    8/10 Jason

    6/10 Simon

    6/10 Alex

    2/10 Miles

    1/10 Roman

  • blank
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Michae10/10 one of my favorites.I also have a brother named Michael.

    Simon8/10 love

    Jason 10/10 also one of my favorites.

    Alex 9/10 love

    Roman 8/10 like

    Miles-9/10 love

    Michael is my favroite.

  • 2 weeks ago

    michael - 10%

    Simon -19%

    jason -3%

    Alex -1%

    Roman - 7%

    miles -0%

  • 2 weeks ago

    Michael -7/10 solid, classic name. Quite popular as a middle name. It would be refreshing to see it in the first slot. I’m not crazy about the nicknames Mike and Mikey though. Mick is cool.

    Simon -5/10 Nothing wrong with it, just not a name I enjoy. 

    Jason -5/10 Not a favourite of mine either. Screams ‘80s. I also associate it strongly with Jason Vorhees.

    Alex -7/10 If used as a nickname for Alexander, I like it. Alexander is a handsome, formal name that’s very versatile with all its nicknames. I also happen to love Alex Jones. Check it out!

    Roman -8/10 I’ve always liked this name. It also has a classy sound but is fairly far.

    Miles -4/10 I’m not into it, but I don’t think it’s stupid or ugly. You could do a lot worse.

  • 2 weeks ago

    I will RATE the entire question ...0  ..... That is correct , you get a 0 . ..... Not much more time for this nonsense 🕒.  ... Maybe someone will play with you though 🙄

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    I'm not fond of Roman, but I like Ronan. 

    Simon, Michael -- these are top favorites. All of your name choices are quite normal. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    Michael - dislike

    Simon - dislike

    Jason - it's alright

    Alex - it's alright

    Roman - dislike

    Miles - it's alright

    You seem to have not a good taste of names -- boy names.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Do not name your child Miles. The others are just fine.

    1) Roman

    2) Jason

    3) Michael

    4) Alex

    5) Simon


    347) Miles

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