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IP addresses, another question?
I'd prefer that the people that have answer my previous IP Address question answer this..
Anyways, just a quick question about IP Addresses..
So... Does EVERY electronic have its own IP Address?
For example, say there are 5 computers in my house.
They are all connected to the same network/internet.
Do they have different IP Addresses?
2 Answers
- ?Lv 68 years agoFavourite answer
In your example, yes. Each computer on your home network has to have an IP address that is unique from the other computers at home. If two systems have the same IP address in your network, then things get very confused for the router. It would be like having two people named Chris living in the same house and then someone phones and asks to speak to Chris. The guy on the phone only knows that someone named Chris called and he is calling back. So I think you can see the problem if there are duplicate IP addresses in a network.
- JoeLv 78 years ago
The five computers in your house each have a unique IP address, assigned by your router's DHCP function. They probably are something like 192.168.1.x. Each is only unique to your private household network.
These are not visible outside of your LAN. Your router shows a single IP address to the rest of the Internet, and manages the sharing of that single address between your household computers.