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Lv 4
? asked in Entertainment & MusicMusicSinging · 8 years ago

What do you think of my singing?

You can be rude, I like constructive criticism.

I just need your opinion on my singing.

And sorry about the scratchiness.

Does anyone know how to fix it?

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Umm.. I've heard worse in terms of your actual singing, you could probably do something with your voice if you really practiced but your mic is awful, if you want to get rid of the 'scratchiness' (which is just excessive clipping probably caused by both you being to close to the mic and the really bad quality of the mic itself) you'll have to get a much better one. Honestly it's hard to tell how good a singer you are because the quality's so bad but at the moment those sounds are painful. Don't take offense, you could potentially be a really good singer for all I know but you're obviously not very experienced and if you're serious about this get a good mic ASAP. I'd recommend the AT2035 (you can just google that, it'll come up) it's about £90 but so worth it! You'd also need an audio processor.. (I'd recommend the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 here) and possibly some software too but just do a bit of research if you're interested.

    Get yourself a vocal coach too if you can, every little helps, they'll be able to give you a lot of info on technique. I've recently answered a question on singing technique/ getting better yourself as well so you can read through that too if you'd like:;_ylt=Aj3aV...

    ETA: Listened to one of them again, for what it's worth (although it's hard to tell) I think you're alright- it stopped clipping for something like two seconds at one point :p, there's plenty of room for improvement but not bad. I would advise you to take those sounds down mind you.

    Source(s): Experience, equipment I've bought. I started recording a few songs on a standard computer mic before I decided to upgrade because they were so awful- best decision ever. :)
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