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How do you get over stage fright?
I've always had stage fright.
For my entire life, and I've performed so many times, but I've never gotten over it!
Every time it's my time to perform, I get so nervous, and I feel like I'm about to break down.
I'm really afraid of public speaking.
So how do I get over it?
4 Answers
- 8 years agoFavourite answer
Pick out 2-3 people in the audience that you feel safe looking at so that it looks like you are looking at everyone but you feel like it's only a couple people. Remind yourself that you are safe and ok. Each time you perform, pick out one more person to look at so that you get used to being in front of people. Even if you goof up, that's ok, everyone does at one time or another. Just laugh at yourself and make a joke about it. Truth be known, everyone in the audience thinks you are brave for just getting up there so wear that as a badge of honor. Remember to breathe!
- 8 years ago
People say that it helps when you have someone you know in the audience but honestly to me, that's what makes me the most nervous. If an audience is filled with people you don't know, chances are, you will never see them again so why does it matter what they think of you? That's what helps me
- 8 years ago
Everybody says to picture everyone in the audience in their underwear. That doesnt work. Make sure you habe a familiar face in the audience and focus on them. Pretend you are practicing at your house with them
- 8 years ago
actually walk out in your undies..then you well get over it! BREAK A LEG BE AN COVER GURL!
Source(s): RUPAUL BABY