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Just a regular boi trying to make the best of what has been given to me.

  • doubting myself?

    I had an Interview for a job I've been doing for years I had to interview as policy changed and in order for me to get a raise I had to I interview with these two supervisors who know nothing of my job .. I went in kicked *** and impressed however I'm having doubt as I am thinking did I answe those questions right did I forget something ? can someone help me ger my *** back into reality ? and not doubt myself ? it's a horrible way to live ....

    2 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • How to find a sent email when not in sent folder?

    I sent an email out to people and no Mail Demon service or record of it can be found in my yahoo.

    I changed the save a copy of sent messages to my folder AFTER i sent this email in my email options.

    How do I find that darn email! ;)

    1 AnswerAttachments and Photos9 years ago
  • Yahoo Email sent from you account Where is it?

    I sent a very important email out to a list of people. They stated they never got it.

    When I went into the sent folder it was blank.

    The options on my account did NOT have the save a sent email to the folder check box checked.

    How can I find it?


    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail9 years ago
  • RuPaul's Drag show? Update please?

    What the hell happened tonight on RuPaul's drag show ..

    who came back?


    2 AnswersTalk Shows1 decade ago
  • Can you please slap me back into reality?


    I just need to vent and ask that someone snap my *** back into reality.

    Here's the lowdown. I just recently found out that my former best friend from college has moved across the states and is living and happy and blah blah blah and I am still stuck at my parents house trying to figure out my ****** next step.

    I have a good job and I am relatively's just that I can't help but be a little jealous. I have let go a lot of my friends because I am trying to be me and learn more about me. I am saving up to move the hell out eventually. Things are not that bad.

    I just feel kinda like a loser because I guess my life hasn't taken off like I thought it would.

    Give me a reality check please..and please be nice. I am just acting silly i know.

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How to deal with this situation.?

    Recently, someone I know told me that they have HIV and it has really been making me upset. Not that I am scared or uneducated about HIV (I use to volunteer in clinics) but that fact that I just can't help but feeling sad about it. This friend of mine is cool and full of life and I'm just bummed out.

    What should I do?

    P.S. We talked about it and I did tell him how I was feeling but I can't help but still feel sad about it for some reason. I know that there has been a lot of advances for treating HIV and I know that he can still live a long productive life... I just can't help but try to understand why I feel really sad about it.

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Sleep Paralysis again!!!?

    You know for the past year a lot of this crap has been happening to me.

    Last night I was asleep and I woke up and like usual I couldn't sleep. Then boom I was out. Two in the morning roles around and I wake up again only this time I couldn't move. I felt like someone was watching me and I started to tell them to leave me alone. Right when I did that I could feel the presence even stronger. Then I started to tell them that you couldn't mess with me because I belong to God...then I hear in a soft child like voice "So.." and then something warm jumped on top of me and I could move again.

    what the hell is this?

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Ethics Questions in reguards to Local Government?

    Hello everyone!

    I have a quick questions.

    I live in TX and was wondering if it is ethical/legal for a county auditor (formerly a county treasurer) to still be doing both jobs at the same time.

    I have a little issue here in my county and I wanted to know where I could find some information on this problem.


    I already did some extensive research in the Texas Local Government Code but couldn't really find anything that talked about this situation.

    Any suggestsions?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • 27 pay period madness!!! I need advice?

    Hello all!

    I am going to make this short and sweet but I need some advice.

    I started working for an organization May 15 2009 and was part time until the end of the year.

    Starting Jan. 1 2010 I was a full time employee. I was given a really low annual salary of 21500 per year. I went to the pay roll gal to see what my payments would be. She said that this year would have 27 pay periods. I didn't care because I was excited to have some money coming in than previous. However, my boss and coworkers who got a raise suddenly saw their paycheck decrease in the 2010 year.

    I left that job in August after our company was questioned because of the payroll. An auditor basically said that because there was 27 pay periods it should NOT mean that everyone's pay check should be divided by 27 which is what wsa done to my checks. The company agreed that it made a boo boo and that we were to be reinversed for the new year.

    Before I left my last paycheck was adjusted to the "correct" amount and so was my final paycheck. However i was not compensated for the "clerical errror". I was then told that it didn't apply to me because i was part time in 2009.

    Something isn't right because **** ***** adjusted my last too paychecks using a 26 pay period..but all the paychecks from jan until july was for the 27 period.

    What's going on? What should I do?

    1 AnswerCorporations1 decade ago
  • help me not be so paranoid lol?

    So i have this car that I keep up the maintenance on. I am about to start traveling a lot and I wanted someone to tell me that it's going ot be alright. i know this sounds silly but it would help i have a 12 year old vehicle with 180 k on it.. but it runs great!

    someone tell me it's going to be okay ... i am so paranoid ...why ?


    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Moving on up this time by yourself.?


    So I landed an interview in one of my favorite cities here in TX. It's been my dream to be on my own.

    There is a great chance that I might land this job which is great but moving out on my own for real this time is terrifying!!! I have some money saved up but I am scared about what could happen. I know this is just nerves but what can I do to see it in a positive light?

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • The Soul Wondering Question?

    Here we go.

    So the other night I was taking a kick **** nap in the evening in my room all alone. One of those naps that you feel like years were reversed it was that good. Anyway I woke up but was still laying in bed in the dark with my eyes closed. I could hear my roomies talking in the living room about going to McDonalds. It was then that I had this dream about a killer and I was a psychic. Keep in mind at the SAME time I could hear my roomies still talking and i was dreaming at the same time. All of a sudden I snap out of the dream and continue to pick up on the roomie's convo. Except i could move. Out of the corner of the dark room I hear a "woosh" noise and then I feel something reallly warm lay on top of me. I then could move and all was fine.

    Question is. what the hell happened? Is there some research that people can give me. I know all about sleeping paralysis but what about what other cultures say about it...?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What could this be????????

    Hey guys!

    I am trying to get back into shape however I have a good question.

    I have been getting this really bad headaches and my eyes feel like they are about to explode.

    I see little dots at times and really dizzy. I made a doctors appointment .

    any suggestions of what it could be.

    allergies have been bad...and I do drink water.

    5 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • What should be my next step/ mindset if this happens?

    I have a pretty good feeling on what I should do but incase I missed anything I would like to know.

    I work a court and have my boss and another coworker. Things are okay here however, my coworker informed me that as soon as another job opens up she's out of here.

    This is fine, it's life I know. BUT how do I deal with taking on the extra work being that i am still in training and my boss doesn't know squat? Not to mention, I was planning on leaving before her and now it looks like that won't happen. If i do leave, I am leaving my boss out in the cold.

    So summary:

    How to handle coworker leaving (realistically it will be months before this happens)?

    What to do when I plan on leaving in another year or so when something opens up?

    Am I obligated to be truthful and loyal to a boss who ranks low on the scale?


    P.S. I wanted to mention that I had it planed that when I got this job I was going to work for a year or two then move out. I am only here because it's the only job I can find right now.

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Taking on the work load.what to do?

    I have a pretty good feeling on what I should do but incase I missed anything I would like to know.

    I work a court and have my boss and another coworker. Things are okay here however, my coworker informed me that as soon as another job opens up she's out of here.

    This is fine, it's life I know. BUT how do I deal with taking on the extra work being that i am still in training and my boss doesn't know squat? Not to mention, I was planning on leaving before her and now it looks like that won't happen. If i do leave, I am leaving my boss out in the cold.

    So summary:

    How to handle coworker leaving (realistically it will be months before this happens)?

    What to do when I plan on leaving in another year or so when something opens up?

    Am I obligated to be truthful and loyal to a boss who ranks low on the scale?


    P.S. I wanted to mention that I had it planed that when I got this job I was going to work for a year or two then move out. I am only here because it's the only job I can find right now.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • How to remove ink stains after putting them in the dryer?

    I accidentally put a shirt with an ink pin in the dryer and it got everywhere. what are the easiest most affective ways to remove this?

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Where is the best place or tool to learn this?

    Hello guys.

    So one of the things I want to be able to be confident in is my Spanish. I speak okay.. but I can't really hold an in depth conversation.

    What are the best tools to learn Spanish? Watch tv it? I don't have anybody really that I can hold a convo with keep that in mind.



    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Do you think that it's too late?

    You know I was talking to one of my besties... and I asked if it was ever too late to re-invent yourself?

    For example,

    It seems that most of us feed of what society says. Go to college, move out of your parents house after 18...have kids by this certain age..etc etc ...

    For those of us who have not met the social norms.. it seems to be hard to get back on the wagon ...

    any thoughts?

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • That car that keeps truckin' !?


    So I have a 1998 Ford Sports Explorer and man does it run smooth.

    However, it has about 175,000 on it.

    It runs good and I have had a lot of maintenance on it just to keep up with it.

    The problem is I get nervous every time I go on road trips... How can I over come this fear? It's silly I know but the mechanic has said that my car is solid ...I shouldn't worry

    anybody else can relate?


    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Emergency Trip To Chicago?

    Hey guys!

    So I have a question.

    One of my VERY good friends is moving back home to Texas from Chicago in a couple of weeks. She called me the other day and wanted to know if I would be willing to fly up to Chicago help her move some stuff, then UHAUL it back down to the Lone Start State.

    She's offered to pay for the ticket (which she booked today), pay for the UHAUL, pay for food, pay for a motel (just in case we get tired), drive me all the way home from after we unload the stuff at her parents house.

    Now, I am poor but not that damn poor. She offered to pay me well to help her move. She's desperate to get the hell out of Illinois and come back due to personal reasons. I am willing to help her which is no big deal. I requested off from work.

    The question is: should I take her up on all of her offers? I don't want to seem needy and I am helping her out. But I am really poor and use a few extra bucks and I don't mind shelling out for the gas and a meal here and there.

    How can I go on this trip and not seem needy or selfish? I don't want to seem greedy and what not. She says money is not a problem for her but once she gets home it's back to looking for another job. . . any ideas?


    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago