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do you cook everyday? ?

for those of you who have families, do you cook everyday or the majority of the week? Or do you go out most often?

Which one is cheaper and how big is your family?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    We have a family of 6 total. I try to cook at least 4 out of 7 nights. We have an extremely busy life so sometimes it can be difficult to get to the kitchen. Sometimes I cook more than that but mostly 4/7 a week.

    It is much cheaper to cook at home though, unless you eat off the dollar menu at a fast food joint.

    We spend about 100-200 a week for food depending on what I am cooking but that also includes a lot of fresh veggies and fruits for in use in the food I cook as well as for snacking. I buy a lot of meat when it is on sale and store it in my deep freeze and plan meals around what I have in the freezer. I also like to shop at Sam's club myself to buy in bulk.

    When we go out to dinner we pay a lot more-

    For typical fast food about $30 sometimes more

    Sit down restaurant anywhere from $50-100 but average is about $75-$90. SO it is definitely much cheaper to stay at home and cook, a lot healthier too!

  • Chad B
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My wife cooks everyday. Family of 4 but I probably eat 2 servings myself, lol.

    It is cheaper to cook meals yourself. Here is an example. My wife bought this big long thing (no clue what it was called) at Sams Club for $20. She went home and spent 30 min's cutting it up into 5 meals of pork chops and 2 pork roasts. She ziploc bags "meals" She told me that when she buys the meat in bulk it equals out to something like .75 cents a person per meal. You can't buy that in a restraunt, lol.

  • 5 years ago

    I like cooking but not every single day. 4 times a week on average would be good for me. That would mean breakfast, dinner and dessert on a cooking day, which is a lot of food to prepare and buy and wash the dishes for but I don't usually mind since I really like to cook. Good Luck! :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a family of 5 and I find it cheaper to eat at home.

    for what I spend on a night out I could feed my kids 2 maybe 3 meals off of... Restaurant food is very expensive.

  • 1 decade ago

    i have a family of four. we eat in on week days. and one time during the weekend we eat out. (its considered the big night out!) ha ha

    its cheaper to eat in then eat out.

    we cook fun things at home when we want to have a nice home night out. for xample we can make out own taco's and still have money to rent a movie.....with what we would pay to go out and have taco's.

    and homemade piza is cool. the kids love to add the topping themselves......... LOL

    but most days rice with gravy is nice too. it does get boring. so this is why casseroles r nice. and the every so often tacos. and a DVD is fun.

    try save money by cooking at home.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I live alone so I just cook for myself and my cat, lol. But its way cheaper than going out, especially for larger families.

  • 1 decade ago

    My sweetie cooks every night for the three of us. 2 adults 1 teen.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Im a single lady still living at home so my mom still cooks for me and my siblings but now that im 15 ive started to do it on my own and im getting really good at it.

  • 1 decade ago


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