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Other - Environment


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    Are swamps dangerous?

    3 Answers1 month ago
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    Did you ever torture animals?

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    I don't but i get rid of house insects.

    10 Answers2 months ago
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    Is it ok to catch frogs and play with them?

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    Sure. I used to catch them in the park and play with them but then I’ll release them back into the pond. 

    5 Answers2 months ago
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    How does sea life survive if they all eat each other?

    like how do they grow up if they smallest prey just get eaten by bigger fish?

    is there some kind of mysterious unknown thing that all the smaller fish eat to survive on for bigger fish to eat the smaller fish?

    7 Answers2 months ago
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    Is Earth losing its food supply?

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    China is buying huge amounts of land in Africa to farm.. They will have food for their people while everyone else starves.. They are also buying up all the natural resources around the globe.. While we argue about stupid stuff like climate change.. 

    4 Answers2 months ago
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    Covid quarantine has changed you?

    12 Answers3 months ago
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    When electric vehicles become popular, even the standard, where will the power come from when people plug them in at night to recharge?

    Environmentalists love EVs.  Have they given any thought to where the power will come from at night to recharge those electric vehicles?  Solar perhaps?  Last I checked, the sun doesn't shine at night.

    Hydroelectric?  A good idea, but the environmentalists won't allow building any more of those.  Too harmful to the fishies.

    What practical source of power can we use at night?  Coal? Oil? Natural Gas? Nuclear?  Which will the environmentalists allow?

    12 Answers3 months ago
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    Is composting green?

    Can it cause greenhouse gases and water pollution?

    7 Answers3 months ago
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    Is a 12,000 foot+ Megatsunami possible?

    What would this look like? How much of the sea floor would be left exposed?

    7 Answers3 months ago
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    What can I do to stop being bored living in a boring place ?

    I used to live in New Zealand where In free time I’d hunt go exploring mountain and camp out in them completely in nature not camp grounds I’d spear fish sea fish mountain bike. I have now moved to Australia and it’s flat where I live and you have to drive she’s for any change of scenery I moved cos I married but I’m used to pretty exciting free time activity and I’m going mad is there any suggestions? 

    5 Answers4 months ago
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    Could you live without summer?

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    Yes. I live in Northern Canada 

    61 Answers4 months ago
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    Name an animal species you would like eliminated from earth?

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    Hyenas. As a kid, I watched a documentary that showed a cackle of hyenas stalking a baby hippo. The mother charged at them and they'd run off - to only return and start again. It showed them attacking the baby and ripping at it's little ears. And the mother charged again. This went on for 24 hours and the mother was getting exhausted. Finally, they killed the baby. I absolutely loathe and detest the hyena. Cowards that can only attack if there is a group (cackle) of them. And then they don't kill like a lion/tiger does - straight for the jugular and death comes quickly. They torture their prey to death. Vile, vile evil animals.

    25 Answers4 months ago
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    How are some people able to walk outside bare footed every where they go?

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    Because they are use to doing just that, and the souls of their feet become hard. Anyone can do that, but it does take time to get the souls of the foot hard enough to do it on any type of surface.

    6 Answers4 months ago
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    Can I recycle the plastic skewers from an Edible Arrangement?

    Anyone know what type of plastic these are made of? They aren't individually labeled.

    In MA.

    6 Answers4 months ago
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    How is 1.65million COVID deaths (so far) within one year not obvious enough for everyone to stay away from each other until the virus goes?

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    The point I'd make is that we have dealt with viral outbreaks numerous times - Zika in South America, measles across the world, various tropical viruses, Ebola in Africa and so on. We know pretty much exactly how to deal with these - introduce a lockdown to stop the spread, and quickly isolate the cases that do appear with contact tracing and mobile teams of public health doctors and nurses who work to suppress local clusters.

    Countries that did that quickly, like New Zealand, managed to get Covid under control. Countries that were slow to respond didn't. Compare, for example, the shape of the cases graphs on google for New Zealand and the US. Of course, these are very different nations but these graph shapes show the difference between doing what we've known for decades works, and not doing that.

    So to answer your question ... if nations had done things properly we would have had short term pain for longer term gains and kept the economy ticking over. But because nations botched it, most are now constantly teetering between controlling the spread or not. This has dragged on the closures, kept people in on again off again lockdowns, opened and closed and opened and closed business which can't plan or prepare for these cycles, and created more economic pain than just doing it properly in the first place.

    6 Answers5 months ago
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    Your thoughts on this covid vaccine?

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    Getting the vaccine, even if there are side effects, is better than being dead.

    23 Answers5 months ago
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    Why does it sounds like someone is walking down my stairs?

    I live in a house where someone did die in but that doesn't mean anything in my house at times I do hear doorsteps coming down my stairs I hear talking very softy my dog barks at nothing and I'm not the only one who hears it my mother does too. What could this mean?

    9 Answers5 months ago