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  • Should I say something?

    I am a cap worker (basically a babysitter paid through the government to watch a special needs girl). Well I have known this family for a long time well the mother just got a new boyfriend and has Been spending a Lot of time with him and has Been coming home late every day for the past 2 weeks. It's just getting a little annoying because I don't get paid for those 30 minutes that she's late everyday. So my question is - should I say something to the mom or just wait and see if things get better??

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Should I go back to school?

    so I have been with my boyfriend for 7 years and counting, and we've lived together for 4. And he just recently lost his job so we couldn't afford all the bills anymore - so we moved in with my parents. I have 2 part time jobs currently. Should I go back to school? This would be the perfect opportunity to because I could quit one of my jobs and do school online. The only thing that's holding me back is that I don't know if I can stand to live with my parents for another 2-4 years.

    (side note - we've only been there 2 weeks and it's already driving me CRAZY!!!)

    5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Is my dog a beagle?

    I purchased my dog being told that he was a chihuahua/dachshund mix - he's starting to look more and more like a beagle. The coloring / the size / the way he acts / everything. I've been trying to look up information on beagles online - but is there a way the vet can tell me it's a beagle? Or a test I can have done? Thanks. oh and I found a picture of a baby beagle online and he looks just like my dog!!

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Taxes.......?

    I do not have taxes taken out of my paycheck because I technically work for myself. About what's the percantage that I'm going to have to pay for taxes? I get paid around 17 an hour and work about 40-45 per week, and I've had this job since June. Thanks.

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Party Place in Charlotte, NC?

    Does anyone know of a place in Charlotte, NC where you can just rent a warehouse - or huge empty building. It's my friends 21st birthday, and we're planning on having about 100 people. and i just want an empty building that you can rent out for a night. Thanks for any information!

    2 AnswersOther - US Local Businesses1 decade ago
  • Online Dating?

    When I was 13 years old I started talking to a guy online - who was 14. We live on opposite sides of the United States. We talked for many years, and we gave each other advice. He always wanted to meet me but I never wanted to travel that far. (mainly because i still lived with my parents, and i was so young) I'm now 20 years old - and i haven't thought of him in years, and he recently emailed me saying that he is madly in love with me and wants to get married. I've tried to block him (literally) out of my life, yet he still finds a way to get in contact with me. I've straight up told him off - just he still doesn't get the point. How should I get the point across to him that I want nothing to do with him, and that I didn't think our "relationship" was a serious one.

    Plus - I'm currently with the love of my life, who i've been with for 4 years now.

    10 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • . Morals?

    I recently got my car worked on. A few days after I got it back I realized that I was missing 2 books of CDs. Each book of CDs holding about 50 each. I've been going to this place to get my car worked on for years and years, and I couldn't imagine them stealing anything of mine. These CDs were hidden under the driver and passanger seats. I keep my car door locked at all time - and i'm always around my car whether it's parked at work right out front, or in front of my apartment. What is a good way to ask them if they took them - without looking like i'm acussing them of stealing my stuff. Or do you think it's been too long that I should just call it a lost!

    7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • how many of you are guys and how many are girls?

    i wonder if yahoo! answers are mostly women or mostly men?

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Lesson of the Day...?

    What a lesson that you've learned today, that you would consider the lesson of the day...

    Mine is...

    Do not throw your phone, it may break, and you may have to pay $50 for a replacement.

    4 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • May 15th?? Has anyone heard about this??

    I live in Charlotte, NC and everyone here is saying that no one is supposed to get gas on May the 15th because we're supposed to boycott the gas prices, because we did it back in the 70s and it dropped 30 cents over night. Has anyone heard about this?

    11 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Sleeping Habits of a Mali Uromastyx?

    I just recently bought a Mali Uromastyx, he's about 6 months old. He's in an upstairs bedroom, that I'm only in at night. When I get home and get ready for bed I go up to my bedroom and I can tell he's been running around. When I get up there he'll stop in any position that he's in and fall asleep like that. The first night he went to sleep standing up on one foot, and then he fell over in the middle of the night. I was just wondering if this was normal?

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago