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Lv 59,262 points

Lee W

Favourite answers26%
  • Young boy gets his ears pierced with a needle and then hoop earrings for healing?

    I recently saw a video where two girls and a boy, all in the 8 to 12 year old range, got their ears pierced using the needle technique at a piercing studio. Then the man who did the piercing put gold hoops in the children's ears for the healing period. I thought the boy looked particularly nice with his hoop earrings, much nicer than basic stud earrings. The video may have been an advertisement for the piercing studio. I would like to see the video again but cannot find it. Can anyone give me a link or a reference to the video?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body5 years ago
  • Stretching children's ears?

    I just read some posts that said some parents are now stretching their young children's ear piercings. There were also posts that said this was all "urban legend" stuff and that it is not actually happening. I think a normal size piercing for a baby or young child is one thing and each family should decide for themselves what is right for their children, but stretching their ears is an entirely different matter. Has anyone actually seen a young child with stretched ears or tapers in their ears or is this all a lot of rumor and talk?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • At what age should little children start wearing dangle earrings?

    More and more parents are having their chilldrens ears pierced while they are babys or toddlers. How old should little children, both girls and boys, be when they start wearing dangle earrings? How long should the dangles be?

    9 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • Wish your ears were not pierced?

    I recently answered a question from someone whose ears have been pierced for 20 years and now wishes they would close up and look like they had never been pierced. How many other people, both male and female, now have their ears pierced but wish they were not pierced? If you are one of them, why do you no longer want to have your ears pierced?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Would this stretch his ear further?

    Here is a link to a Youtube video of a boy who had a combination lock put through his stretched ear and locked. He did not have the combination and the lock had to be cut with bolt cutters to remove it. Considering the weight of the lock, what might it have done to his ear if the lock remained on his ear?

    Here is the link

    1 AnswerFirst Aid8 years ago
  • Letting piercing holes close?

    I have seen several questions, mostly from males, who got one or both ears pierced and later want to let their piercing holes close up and hopefully disappear. Why do you no longer want to have your ears pierced and want your piercing holes to close up? I am a caucasian man whose ears have been pierced for 40+ years and still enjoy wearing earrings.

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • When did you get your son/s ears pierced?

    More and more boys are getting their ears pierced younger and younger today. A recent question asked about getting young daughters ears pierced which prompts me to ask those who got their young son's ears pierced at what age they did it. Did he get one or both ears pierced? If only one ear, which ear? Did your son ask to have his ear(s) pierced or did you suggest it? What style earrings does your son wear? Does his father have his ear(s) pierced? I know some people are opposed to piercing boys ears and they are entitled to thier opinion. I am not asking for opinions, just factual answers concerning boys who have their ear(s) pierced or plan to get them soon, so please no critical opinions. Thank you.

    2 minutes

    9 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • When did you get your son/s ears pierced?

    More and more boys are getting their ears pierced younger and younger today. A recent question asked about getting young daughters ears pierced which prompts me to ask those who got their young son's ears pierced at what age they did it. Did he get one or both ears pierced? If only one ear, which ear? Did your son ask to have his ear(s) pierced or did you suggest it? What style earrings does your son wear? Does his father have his ear(s) pierced? I know some people are opposed to piercing boys ears and they are entitled to thier opinion. I am not asking for opinions, just factual answers concerning boys who have their ear(s) pierced or plan to get them soon, so please no critical opinions. Thank you.

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years ago
  • Will school skirts for boys become fashionable?

    Below is a link to an article concerning school skirts for boys this fall. How do you feel about boys wearing skirts to school and elsewhere? Boys, would you wear a skirt to school? Parents, how would you react if your son asked for a back to school skirt this fall?