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Finding hardware in BIOS?
I think my nVidia 630M died, since I cannot find it in Device Manager and the drivers cannot find it, but I want to make sure. In the BIOS, It still gives the option to use Optimus, but I don't know if that's just because Optimus is still installed.
I don't know exactly how to find any information on installed hardware in the BIOS, so any help would be grateful.
It is on a laptop. It has onboard graphics so that's why I'm able to see just fine.
2 Answers
- 8 years agoFavourite answer
if i'm not mistaken it is a notebook graphics card right? if you can see display in your laptop then 100% sure that it is ok. the only reason i think you can't see it in device manager probably it was installed by a diff driver. download this software called cpu-z. install or run it from you computer and you will see your computer specs. It will show your current graphics card under graphics tab. You can download it here
- anasimbdLv 48 years ago
uninstall it first, unplug, then plug again then install again, its may help (be sure you have the driver softer with you before uninstalling)