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  • How can We get Migrated to Malaysia!?

    Dear All:

    It might looks little weird to you about my problems, but let me explain myself. I am Nasim and I have a little family my wife and a little sweet daughter. I have a good job also to feed myself and my family. I never think of to go abroad, even in my student life more then 50 of my class meets are get migrated and they are now well settled in USA, Canada, UK, Australia and all over the world. The first time I feel when my little daughter born, first time I felt the reality that no child can be grown up safely and healthy in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I just don’t want to expand my writing to explain the situation, any one who wants to cross check my words just visit any web newspaper of Bangladesh and can find the truth. I start searching and find Malaysia as a good place for my daughter as the culture and environment are similar. I took decision to get migrated to Malaysia with my family, but I do not know how, I am searching for job in Malaysia through jobstreet dot com but not getting any response.

    So, any of you can suggest me or help me to get migrated to Malaysia with my family? I know about their second home policy but I don’t have that much money. Any reach people or business man, can you help a poor father to get a job out there in Malaysia?

    2 AnswersMalaysia8 years ago
  • sisbase.dll missing shows when starts?

    when winXP starts massage show that sisbase.dll file is missing

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • how does incredimail works? and how to configure it?

    how does incredimail works? is it like other mail client as eudora or outlook express? how to configure incredimail?

    1 AnswerSending and Receiving Messages1 decade ago