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hang milk crates from ceiling?

I want to hang a row of milk crates on the ceiling for extra shelf space.

It's not gonna hold much weight, just some lite books, DVDs, and small toys.

I find a lot of info on stacking them as shelves but i want to hang them from the ceiling.

any suggestions?

2 Answers

  • Howard
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    The side of a milk crate is about 13" x 11". Those dimensions are smaller than ceiling joist spacing.

    You'll need to install bracing, to hold the weight (drywall isn't strong enough.)

    You can add wood into the attic or attach a piece of wood to the ceiling, screwed into the joists.

    From your support, I suggest using eye bolts. Attach either rope or light duty chain to them. I suggest the chain. S-hooks can be used to connect the milk crates to the chains.

    I just realized you said "row", not "column." In that case, I suggest eye bolts and chain, with the chain supporting sections of electrician tubing. Pass the tubing through the webbing of the milk crates.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just make sure you anchor them to either wall studs or ceiling joists if you are filling them with heavy items? Book weight can become very heavy. Ask your parents or Landlord unless you own the home? Good Luck.

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