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Where can you go....?

When staffing agencies like OfficeTeam don't even TRY to help you find employment. There must be some government agency that you can at least file a report with (even if nothing can actually be done).

I live in San Francisco, CA. Does anyone know to whom I can send an anonymous email. Maybe there are other people who've complained about OfficeTeam?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Report them to the Better Business Bureau and you could even shoot off an e-mail to the state Attorney General. As you say, nothing will be done.


    Look for jobs on your own rather than pay some agency to do so for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most temp agencies are free, so if you are paying for one don't!!

    If they aren't trying to help you find employment, then that means you aren't marketable for them. Staffing agencies make their money by placing people. If you qualify for a job they will place you because it makes them money. If you don't qualify then they can't place you. Simple as that.

    The good news is that there are a ton of agencies for many different industries, so if OfficeTeam didn't work out for you, there should be another one that will.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have been in your situation and I live in NYC in which there are hundreds of staffing agencies. What I had done is registered with 10 different agencies to find work and continue to find employment on my own. As with all my previous statements, never hinge yourself on one company or one agency. Some of them would get you to sign on with them so they can make up their individual quota of people they had signed. I had registered with Office Team myself and they did not call me for a job as well.

    Good luck to you in your job search.

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