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Questions for those divorced?

What was the ONE piece of advice from friends or loved ones that really made a difference during those difficult moments.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    you may allow yourself to....

    Source(s): life
  • 1 decade ago

    My ex was very very mean to me. Abusive. One thing my grandmother always told me when I was little was "What goes around comes around" and I have held on to that and guess what it actually does happen. He's miserable now and nothing is going his way.

    On a more positive note, everything happens for a reason, you will be a stronger person after this, and I honestly feel there is a certain someone for everyone.

    Good luck. This will be the most difficult thing you ever experience but everything will work out in the end.

  • 1 decade ago

    That I have total control of my emotions. Seems silly I know. But when a situation or people gets me upset I used to freak and stress. Then I realized just because they are all in a fit doesn't mean I will allow them to ruin my day.

    Example: DH and I are in a fight....He is all po'ed at me

    I can allow him to ruin my day by my emotions going haywire or I can choose to be happy. That has helped me more than anything

    Also my mom told me once

    Life isn't handing to you in a good package. It has ups and downs. So wake up every morning like it is your last......

    Enjoy the little things and choose to smile. That way when life gets ya down, you can smile through it

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To keep busy & change the scenery- it really helps.

    Keeping busy with friends, family and exercise (even just a walk around the block or something simple, doens't have to be a strenuous work out)

    Changing the scenery- from big projects like landscaping or remodeling, to smaller ones like painting a room or rearranging furniture- it helps you move past old memories.

    Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If all you want is out then do not fight over the petty things like dishes and furniture and what not. But I cleaned out the ex husband when he went on vacation and when he came home I left him with what he was going to leave me. He wasn't happy and he never got back what he thought he was owed. I just wanted him out of my life and when he signed those papers I was one happy girl. He didn't sign them for a few court dates. It wasn't difficult It was liberating!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    My ex drank, physically and verbally abused me, had mental issues, a disfunctional upbringing, etc..

    I had to have acceptance from my parents to get a divorce, when my mother finally said after listening to me bit** constantly about the way he treated me and the way he was (although they didn't know everything he did to me) "You will either put up with it and keep your mouth closed OR file for divorce." That was all I needed to hear, that I would be supported and be O.K.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I could not get "sane" advice at the time. I was not in control of myself (rarely ever happens)...others were controlling my life direction. Best advice I can give is...if you are being torn because of another person...Isolate yourself with your spouse and hold down the the first will cave.

  • 1 decade ago

    Everything happens for a reason, and the man for me is still out there waiting to be found. That kept me going.:)

  • 1 decade ago

    To take the high road and not argue with him becasue he was always trying to pick a fight with me. They told me not to go down to his level. They also told me that they understood and that I was doing the right thing. It helped alot that my family was there to support me.

  • 1 decade ago

    All your decisions will be made for you. Best advice ever!!

  • 1 decade ago

    when one door closes another one opens.....

    you have opportunities to start a new life- meet new people..... as hard as it may seem at first- it will become exciting and new to you....

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