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Other - Advertising & Marketing


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    Enough proof? ?

    Would a letter from the council saying you was put down as a non liable tenant / moved out after one month after moving in (not put down on council / housing benefit claim) prove to the court you was never a tenant as landlord has currently lied 

    6 Answers1 month ago
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    How can i promote my business ?

    11 Answers1 month ago
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    How can I buy something off his website without him knowing?

    My boyfriend started an art website showcasing a few of his artworks. I asked him a while back if anyone has bought anything from it and he said no. Probably because he hasn’t reached a wide audience. Anyways, I would like to be his first website customer but I want it to be a surprise. He always says he is going to just give me the art for free since I’m his girlfriend but I want him to feel special and excited for his first buyer. I started the process of ordering but it asks for payment information. I already input a brand new email (not using my real name) and my fathers phone number (boyfriend doesn’t know it). Now it says the payment information is secure but does that mean it’s only going to hide my card number but not the cardholder name? How can I get away with this? 

    4 Answers2 months ago
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    I just landed on Earth.  Why are most married couples in television ads interracial but most couples on the street are not?

    Favourite answer:

    Because ads are "woke".  Being woke is the most important thing in life. According to many idiots.

    8 Answers2 months ago
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    Are you still going to buy Aunt Polly ( former Aunt Jemima ) pancake mix after the name change ?

    Why are they cancelling black people from product 

    11 Answers3 months ago
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    Attachment image

    I bought car magnets to promote my YouTube channel, how effective do you think this will be on a road trip from Memphis to Brownsville, TX? ?

    Favourite answer:

    You will get 13 to 20 visitors from the advertising on your car.

    7 Answers3 months ago
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    Is it a scam?

    A Facebook friend of mine has been posting a franchise called Toktok, she tried to convince me to join and pay 300$ because it was on a „PROMO“ back then, and said the original price was at 20k something or more, she wanted me to decide quickly before the promo „ends“ but luckily I already know those kind of strategy so I just ended up saying I’ll think about it.. and now almost a month later, they’re still posting it and saying the „Promo“ has been „extended“ but as far as I have checked, it has been extended a lot of times already before 2021 came in. Is she trying to scam people into paying the promo

    Money then end up someone not getting anything out of it??

    8 Answers4 months ago
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    What is MLMs?

    Favourite answer:

    MLM = Multi-Level Marketing aka Network Marketing aka.......a Pyramid Scheme.

    If you want to make money, avoid any MLM.

    If you join an MLM, you become a distributor for their products.  That sounds great until you realize that all of the products are over priced and no one will buy from you.  You are told that the easiest way to make money is to recruit others to join the MLM under you.  However, every one you talk to says "No".So...Is it a scam?  Technically, no.Do you make a lot of money?  No, most people do not.  In fact, most people do not make any money.  Over 99% of people who join MLMs end up losing money.  In other words, they would have had more money at the end of the year if they just had said "no" to joining the MLM in the first place.

    3 Answers4 months ago
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    [Self-employed] Would you buy a wonderful candles, in a beautiful packaging at some cost ? ?

    If you could buying wonderful candles, in a beautiful packaging (like Chanel, LV (just an example, a box that you want keep it) simple but refined and recycled packaging, at a price of $60-$80, would you do it ? I need some opinion to launch my new brand.

    13 Answers4 months ago
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    The government is considering tougher lockdown restrictions, what could they be?

    Favourite answer:

    I hope martial law would be imposed, but I'd settle for harsher penalties for those who flaunt the rules because fines are no deterrent.

    We must get them locked up with 2 year sentences and fast track the process to special Crown Court sessions.  Once these morons see people losing their freedom they will obey the law. Discipline is the key to beating Covid-19. 

    We could reopen the local prisons that dopey Cameron shut down and put all the bad eggs in one covid breach prisons.

    10 Answers4 months ago
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    What are your thoughts of having ADHD in a company logo?

    Favourite answer:

    No,honestly I wouldn't call.It just has negative connotations, and people seeing the logo wouldn't know right away that you support such causes.It may rather seem a strange logo for a home development company,and many people may not associate it correctly with your business.

    Just my opinion,I may be wrong.

    As an example,Yahoo has categorized your question under mental health,which may not be the most appropriate category.Similarly people may get the wrong idea of your business.

    6 Answers5 months ago
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    How would this work?

    If I start a company to sell a product I created and I contract out to get it manufactured is it still my product?  For example if I go to a manufacturing company and ask them to build my product so I can sell it. Is it still considered Company ABC’s product or is it considered the manufacturing company’s product? So would because I don’t have the resources to manufacture the product myself I’d have to contract out to have someone make it but I’m not sure if I can still say the product is mine or not. Please help.

    5 Answers6 months ago
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    Is most marketing a waste of money?

    Only very unique ad campaigns that create an emotional connection to the audience are actually effective. Most ads are completely filtered out by habit by most people. They instantly skip youtube ads and tune them out, they completely ignore banner ads, etc etc. Most television ads are filtered out and people look at their phone during commercials. It's just throwing money away thinking people actually care about your advertisements. Just like how people on social media think other people care about their stories they post when half the time they instantly click through it without even watching half a second of your post

    4 Answers6 months ago
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