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  • My boyfriend hasn’t been reassuring me?

    So let me just start by saying my boyfriend has been throwing up sick for a week and I’ve been comforting him through it via text and sometimes call. I am kind of getting the crap end of the stick and I feel like I’ve been getting neglected with love lately. We haven’t seen each other in a week and only have seen each other once in two weeks. I know he is trying to build his health up and everything, but I’ve been telling him how down I’ve been feeling and it seems like he doesn’t understand I need reassurance. I’ve talked to him this morning about it and instead of reassuring me , he was explaining why I might be feeling that way. I don’t need to know why I feel that way, I just want reassurance that our relationship is okay. It just doesn’t seem like he gets me . Advice? 

    2 AnswersDownloading Widgets2 months ago