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  • Computer black screen in league?

    This isnt completely limited to league, but it just tends to happen alot when playing league. First, the computer's screen completely blacks out, but you can still hear the sound, and then the computer completely crashes. To recover, I have to do a hard reset. The crash usually happens in a black screen, but it has also been green with lines or even other colours. I've tried to check the crash dumps, but I cannot find anything. I tried turning up the gpu fan to max in game, and tracking the temperatures, and there hasn't really been much of a help and nor has there been a specific crash to temperature relation. Lowering graphic settings doesnt really help either.

    Help pls?

    6 AnswersOther - Computers7 years ago
  • Is there any rules against confiscation of an iPod for the school year?

    I'm in a CBE school and my band teacher just took my iPod away and he said I could get it back at the end of the school year (7 months). Maybe half the class or so have their phones or iPod on their music stand. Some of them also text during class, but im the only one that was picked on (many times) for having my iPod out when I'm not the only one. Also, he said it was only me because I wasn't warming up my instrument during the time provided and using my iPod instead. Half the class doesnt warm up, and they just talk or text or game during the time given. IS THIS LEGAL for JUST ME to be picked on for something that many others have been doing also?

    I would like a quick reply.

    Thanks so much!

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • Things that show Montezuma II's worldview? HURRY!?

    Im doing a monologue on Montezuma II and his worldview. I need examples of things he's done in his life to show his worldview. Please try to write them in full sentences of possible. Thanks!


    2 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Things that show Moctezuma II's worldview?

    Im doing a monologue on Moctezuma II and his worldview. I need examples of things he's done in his life to show his worldview. Please try to write them in full sentances of possible. Thanks!

    1 AnswerPhilosophy9 years ago