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Favourite answers52%
  • How to get my Mom to stop yelling at me?

    I'm a 6th grader who is (full) asian for those of you who want to know. My Mom expects me to get straight A's and be the best kid in the world! I appreciate it, but sometimes i feel stressed out by how much she expects. I couldn't find my homework assignment (due tommorow) and she started yelling at me like "WHY DIDN'T YOU LOOK FOR IT BEFORE???? WHY DO YOU WAIT FOR THE LAST MINUTE TO DO YOUR HOMEWORK??? OF COURSE I HAVE TO YELL AT YOU YOU CAN'T EVEN FIND YOUR HOMEWORK AND YOU HAVE SO MUCH HOMEWORK!"

    And one time i told her i was stressed out because i had too much homework. Instead of helping me relax she said "IF YOU HAD DONE YOUR HOMEWORK EARLIER YOU WOULD'NT BE SO STRESSED! I TOLD YOU TO DO IT EARLIER!"

    It's not that i hate my Mom, she's my Mom and i love her. But at times i get really pissed of at her yelling and i can't take it anymore. If she didn't get mad and yell so much she would be an awesome Mom. Please tell me if you know how i can get her to stop yeling so much

  • Which Wii Console is newer?

    I've seen picture of a Wii console that's built to be placed horizontally, but i have one that's built to be placed vertically. Which console is newer? the horizontal one or the vertical one?

    2 AnswersNintendo Wii8 years ago
  • Will Minecraft Work on Windows 8.1?

    I currently have a Windows 8 computer and as usual, minecraft won't run on it. I'm wondering if Minecraft will run on Windows 8.1 and if it is worth upgrading to.

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • Do you think it's wimpy to wear a swim shirt?

    I have an eleven year old brother and he had a swim party at his school recently. He came back and said that lots of bullies called him a wimp because he was wearing a swim shirt. He said they teased him about not being manly enough to show his skin.

    I'm wondering what I should do, because I don't know if you guys think it's wimpy or not.

    2 AnswersSwimming & Diving8 years ago
  • Is an 11.6 inch Laptop too small for me?

    I found the Asus Vivobook on Amazon and I really like it. BUt the thing is, it's 11.6 inches. I'm not really a big fan of netbooks. My hands are about 6 in by 4 in. Is 11.6 inches (diagonally) close to the size of a netbook or is it perfect for me?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • What is a good-quality but cheap laptop?

    I'm looking for a high quality and high performance laptop but at a reasonable price (Maximum $500 Maybe $600)

    I would prefer if it was smaller than 13 in with Windows 7 software.

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • Is $60 per month with unlimited texting and minutes with 2.5gb of data too much money?

    I want to get an iPhone 5, but my parents won't let me, They say it's too expensive. But what do you think, $60 per month w/ unlimited texting and calling. (minus the cost for iPhone)

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • I already have an iPod Touch 4g, should I get the iPad Mini?

    I have an iPod and can get an iPad Mini for free. I'm wondering if i should keep both or sell the iPod or not get the iPad at all. thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics8 years ago
  • Is it safe to let your pet rabbit out?

    I'm thinking of getting a pet bunny and I'm wondering if it's safe to let it outside to play in the grass or wander around in my house. Will they run away if I let them outside?

    5 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • What do you think is the best browser?

    I am a Windows 8 user and I really want to know if i should keep using Internet Explorer 10 or switch to another browser. I currently have IE 10, Chrome, and Firefox. I really like Firefox and I use it a lot. But I want to know which browser is the best (fastest, more plugins, HTML supported, high quality)

    I've heard that Chrome is pretty good and Firefox is okay, but I wanna make sure I choose the best one.

    2 AnswersGoogle8 years ago