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Car is registered but, no stickers ?

My car has been registered since April 9. I just got my plates in. But, the stickers are mailed separately. My dealer temp plate is expired. Can I run my plates, without the registration sticker, until it gets here? Again, car is registered, in the system. Just no sticker, yet.

2 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    As you have said,  the car is registered.     The only issue could be if its an offense in your country to drive with out that sticker.   If it is then that is what you may get fined for.    That said the police can see all this and so I would expect they would be understanding.    Maybe speak with your local roads office and see what is happening. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    I was in this situation in California.  All you have to do is keep evidence that you are registered in the car.  If you have the certificate, that's perfect, and you can show it to the police if you get pulled over.  Otherwise, keep whatever documentation you have handy - like the sales contract, or receipt that you paid the registration.

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