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Anonymous asked in Business & FinanceCredit · 4 weeks ago

Can a service i used in the past charge my card again without my authorization?

I used a service and they have this card on their records. Months later they contacted me and said they "forgot to charge me for shipping" and send me an invoice with a ridiculous amount on it. I refused to pay but now i see it in "upcoming payments" on my card. How is this possible??? I contacted the card company only to be told that if they charge me i can dispute it. But i want to know if such thing is possible, is it legal and how to prevent it because i see they wont stop. Should i change my card? What should i do?


The shipping invoice that i got now in April 2021 is 100$+ for shipping  of 4 supplements in 2020 This is ridiculous amount that i did not authorize. I already got the product, yes. But i would not have bought it had i known the shipping would be 100$+ I thought shipping was free. So is it legal or not what they did?

5 Answers

  • 4 weeks ago

    what you *think* is irrelevant.

    What is relevant is the T&Cs that you signed up for.

    Yes, most likely it is a legitimate charge.

  • 4 weeks ago

    someone could have used your card

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    What sort of crap are you trying to pull over us?  You bought something - AUTHORIZED the purchase.  They inadvertently failed to add the shipping charge.  So how can you say you never authorized the later shipping charge?  You authorized it when you bought the item that the shipping charge applied to.  It makes no difference that they added it later, when they realized it was on the original bill.  It was properly charged.  If you dispute it, they might very well charge you with fraud, or they will prove that you bought the item and received it and are lying.  Either way, it will come back against you, and your card may be closed on you for your attempt at defrauding the company.  What is goal here?  Over a properly charged shipping charge - you are willing to destroy your credit and falsify a charge that you know you made?

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    maybe someone was using your card

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    Cancel that card and ask for another one or go somewhere else.That's what i did with my visa /debit.

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