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Yahoo sports, Rapione talking about equal pay. How does that work if you cannot get busts in the seats?
Megan Rapinoe encouraged by 'tone shift' with U.S. Soccer and equal pay fight, but she's looking for more
4 Answers
- 4 weeks ago
Helen, the spell check or web site changed my spelling. I know that busts was not typed
- ?Lv 74 weeks ago
The USWNT is far more proftiable than the men's, and they absolutely put butts in the seats.
- Anonymous4 weeks ago
If female soccer players want earnings that are the same as male soccer players, then they need to ensure their league earns the same money for viewership, sponsorship, merchandising and so on. Then the players need to negotiate fair terms for themselves.
There is no entitlement to equal earnings, equal viewership, equally compassionate league owners etc. just because one is a woman as these wacky social justice types seem to think. What's next? Equalizing Taylor Swift to the Rolling Stones? Dr. Phil to Oprah??