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? asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 3 weeks ago

Why are there mass shootings almost every couple of days now?

A lot of them are in states with stricter gun laws. What happened recently?

14 Answers

  • Joey
    Lv 5
    2 weeks ago

    The 2nd Amendment talks of how a well-form militia should have the right to bear arms.  Nowhere does it say anyone and anybody can own and buy all the guns they want.  Also they were referring to muskets that would take more than a min to reload not the semis that shoot a zillion bullets in a second.  So much for those strict interpreters of the Constitution.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    People are going through very tough times right now as the effects of the Pandemic are realized.

    The increase of gun violence reflects the temperment of desperate people as their mental health is pushed to the limit.

    The real problem is mental health and guns are being used as the vehicle to express that total desperation. 

    I am convinced if the mentally disturbed people who are dead set on murdering people did not have a gun to do so, they would find another means to cause harm to others.

    Remember, these people who open fire are not in a normal frame of mind. It is hard for us to make sense of these mass shootings because we are the ones thinking clearly. Therefore, we blame the gun because making sense of the gunman's motive is impossible to figure out.  It is hard to make sense out of nonsense.

    We need better mental health treatment for those that need it. But the problem is that a mentally ill person may not even realinge anything is wrong with then thinthing process BECAUSE their mind is already compromised.

    Where as, a guy with a gun to rob a bank is easy to figure out because he is not there to kill, he is there for the money as his motive.

    Consistent gun laws across the nation need to be practiced. 

    Where I live, I had to take a 6 hour NRA class, a written test and a range shooting test. After passing thuse 3 tests, I had to go to my local police department and be fingerprinted and consent to an FBI background check. All those procedures took about one month. Then, I got a picture ID License To C rry from the local State Trooper's office.

    Also, if my gun happens to be stolen, I (obviously) must report it stolen. Because, otherwise, if that gun is used in the commission of a Crime, I can be charged as an accessory to that crime.

    Gun ownership is a responsibility to be taken seriously. And people like me, who follow the laws, deserve to exercise our rights to own a gun as stated in the U.S. Constitution.

    The real problem is the justice system...breaking gun laws need to have harsher punishments and  stricter procedures to even own a gun in states that are too lean

  • Alex
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Really odd that it's also at a time where a big gun debate is going on to determine the fate of our run rights/freedoms 

  • KTJoe
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Every couple days no way but yes a mass shooting happen. Stricter gun laws just ain't the answers, doubling police salaries is. Make (Police Academy) training mandatory. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    Gun homicides are generally down, for the past 30 years. Also, most "mass shootings" are carried out with handguns, not the "scary" so-called "assault rifle".

    The states with the fewest gun regulations have the lowest gun-homicide numbers, per capita.

    As for the idiot arguing about "regulated militia", please update your research on US Supreme Court rulings on the topic and stop sounding like such a putrid buttsucker.   There are far smarter people than you who have settled that argument until Dems are allowed to pack the high court.  In the mean time, maybe a proper case will come along that justifies overturning all federal gun laws with one fell swoop.  Then what do you play?

  • 2 weeks ago

    your premise is false and wrong 

    we have more mass shootings because we have much easier access to high powered firearms 

    mass shootings have always been an issue in america for decades and it's not a recent phenomenon to see mass shootings every couple of days. you probably are just paying too much attention to the news more often than you normally do because the pandemic has got you couped up 

    and you are also wrong that mass shootings only happen in states with stricter gun laws.

    the most recent mass shooting was in indianapolis. 

    texas and florida deal with shooting accidents pretty often and they don't get all get national attention because it happens quite frequently 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Too many angry people, too many guns. Modern US life is very stressful.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 weeks ago

    Those, shooting people, are NOT legal gun owners.

  • Pat
    Lv 4
    2 weeks ago

    Simple. There are too many guns in our country, especially assault weapons. FBI statistics show where there are more guns, there is more gun violence. NRA and the gun lobby hide behind a weak interpretation of the 2nd Amendment which needs to be updated to actually serve the life and liberty in America. 

    The 2nd Amendment was written in 1791 when there were no organized police forces, no county sheriffs departments, no state national guards, no standing reed forces. It was a time when citizens having their own weapons was the only way to quickly raise a defense if attacked by another state or foreign country. 

    That simply is not the case today and infringes on the liberty of being able to shop or go to school without the threat of gun violence. The pro-gun lobby and their supporters want you to concentrate on the “no law infringing on the right to bear arms” and not on the opening words “A well regulated militia, necessary . . .”no longer applies to conditions today. 

    Extremists , especially anti-government groups, think they need to join a militia to protect their rights and use the words of the 2nd Amendment to promote their aims and undermine our democracy. The NRA and the gun lobby encourage this interpretation to simply sell guns and ammo. They try to say you are safer owning a gun when every serious study shows you are not.

    I’m sure the 2nd Amendment would be written much differently if Franklin and Jefferson were penning it today. It no longer works for our society than prohibition and needs to according be changed.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Because there people out there who have serious mental issues, who think is alright to kill people.

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